Hi, I’m Apple…

…and I’m Ginger.

And you really must seek out and watch “The Clinton Affair” from The Arts and Entertainment Network.  Twenty years on it makes very important viewing.

So much has been said by Democrats about the Republicans and President Trump, in particular, using women’s issues and so forth, that some fact-checking is in order.

If you watch “The Clinton Affair” you see that for yourself, in six hour-long episodes.

Here are some examples for you.

President Trump has been criticised over the slogan “Make America Great Again.”

Fact – Bill Clinton said as a slogan “Make America Great Again” during the 1992 election campaign.  You can see it for yourself in episode one.

President Trump has been criticised for saying he will “close down the government” for as long as it takes.

Fact – Bill Clinton said he would “close down the government” for as long as it takes in 1995 and did so.  You can see it for yourself in episode two.

President Trump has been alleged of misconduct in office by Democrats, with no proof, only malicious gossip.

Fact – Bill Clinton was guilty of misconduct in office, through lying about and covering up sexual predatory behaviour and the Whitewater business scandal.

And remember, Obama also “closed down the government” in 2011.

Trump has been getting the flak unjustly by Democrats for what Democrats do deserve the flak for, that Clinton and Obama deserved.  You can see it all for yourself in “The Clinton Affair.”

So, last Tuesday, when whiter-than-white Democrats were sitting on their hands during the State of the Union Address, remember their lies.

It’s nothing new.

Kennedy sent troops into Vietnam.  Johnson increased that number.  However, protests only started when Nixon was elected in 1968.

Nixon brought the war in Vietnam to an end in January 1973 at a peace conference in Paris, with the deal to return all prisoners of war.

Protesters wanted the war to end, but did not think of tortured prisoners of war coming home as well, such as future Senator John McCain!

In ‘Born On the Fourth of July’ you have a protest at the Republican National Convention in 1972.

They weren’t recruited by Republicans.  Johnson was president when they volunteered and when they were injured.

Why complain to Nixon, when he’s bring the war to an end by 1972?

Why go to the Democratic National Convention in 1976, when Carter pardoned all the draft dodgers, in exile in Canada, after he was inaugurated in 1977?


And remember that Bill “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” Clinton WAS one of those draft dodgers, hiding in Oxford, England.  Some Commander-in-Chief!

All we are saying is don’t be taken in by the lies off the glib tongue of the peace-sodden Democrats.  Give the Republicans the chance they need.

Look at what Trump has already done.  North Korea hasn’t launched a missile in fifteen months.  North and South Korea have met and Trump has met Kim of North Korea in Singapore.

At the end of this month they meet again, in Vietnam of all places.

And peace talks are underway in Afghanistan.

In closing, think of this.

One person says “You’re black, so you’re different.”  Dilusion.

One person says “You’re a woman, so you’re different.”  Dilusion.

One person says “You’re gay, so you’re different.”  Dilusion.

One person says “You’re Jewish, so you’re different.”  Dilusion.

One person says You’re Muslim, so you’re different.”  Dilusion.

One person says “You’re disabled, so you’re different.”  Dilusion.

There is only one race.  The Human Race.  The soul of a human being is sexless.  Gender is a dilusion.

There is only one God.  Religion is a dilusion, but belief in that God is not.  Only the fool says there is no God.

Belief transcends all.  Think about it because it’s time for us to go now.

Say goodnight to all the nice people around the world.

OK, goodnight folks.  See you next Tuesday.






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