Hi, I’m Apple…

…and I’m Ginger.

And after the success of ‘Frost Over Hitler’ on May 7th, Frost is back from ‘The Greatest Show Not On Earth’ to deal with another dictator, one who has illegally failed to honour March 29th as the default day to conclude leaving the European Union, whereby ‘no deal’ has to be the legal default setting in British law, has ignored 17.4 million voters who voted to leave, a clear majority of well over half the population and has refused to resign, despite being ordered to by cabinet, parliament, party and legal precident.

Even Hitler knew when to pull the trigger, but Theresa May is still in the bunker of 10 Downing Street, fiddling, while Britain burns!

It’s time for ‘Frost Over May.’

“Hello, Good Afternoon and Welcome, Prime Minister.”

“Yes, you are welcome.”

“Prime Minister, does the number 108 mean anything to you?”

“It’s the number of times Jacob Rees-Mogg has called this country a vassal state of the European Union.”

“No, it is, in fact, Prime Minister, the number of times between becoming Prime Minister in 2016 and March this year you publicly said ‘No deal is better than a bad deal.’ ”

“And it is better than a bad deal.”

“Then why, after March 29th, did you start saying ‘No Brexit is better than a bad Brexit instead?”

“Because no Brexit is better than a bad Brexit and the people of Great Britain and Northern Ireland have voted for Brexit and we have a deal, my deal and as Prime Minister I’m giving the voters Brexit and I’m getting on with the job of delivering Brexit to the British people.”

“But you have failed 3 times to get your deal through parliament because your deal is a bad deal.”

“Well, I disagree because I happen to think my deal is a good deal for the British and that’s what I’m getting on with the business of delivering.”

“Your deal ties Britain to a customs union. Is that  a good deal?”

“Brexit means Brexit.”

“Your deal prevents Britain trading freely with the United States and Britain’s own Commonwealth.”

“Look, I’m getting on with the job of delivering an orderly Brexit.”

“Prime Minister, do you ever watch ‘Call the Midwife’ with Philip?”

“Well, I don’t know the Duke of Edinburgh socially, so that’s a matter for him to answer, not me.”

“I mean your husband, Philip, Prime Minister.

“Well, yes, we have watched ‘Call the Midwife’ from time to time and I think the BBC offers licence-fee payers great value for money with such programmes.”

“I only ask because you always refer to Brexit as ‘my deal, which I am delivering to the British people.’  Prime Minister, do you see yourself as the midwife of Brexit?”

“Well, Brxit means Brexit and I am mandated to deliver Brexit to the British, but I don’t see myself as the midwife of Brexit.”

“What about the mother of Brexit?”

“Well, I’m just getting on with the daily business of government and that includes education, jobs, defense against terrorism and far-right extremists and Brexit is a very important part of my job and I want to deliver Brexit to voters in an orderly manner and that is what I am doing.”

“Prime Minister, you are a woman of a certain age, who possibly feels that life passed you by and you find yourself here now.  Isn’t Brexit your child?”

“Well, I’m not the problem, Philip likes to crochet and knit in bed, but Brexit is possible through my deal.”

“But your deal is dead, Prime Minister.  You are a woman holding on to a stillborn child, knowing, as you must do, that you will have to come to terms with it.  I really do think your health plays a large part in you behaviour over Brexit and I think if you don’t confront it now, I think it’s going to haunt you for the rest of your life.”

“Well, I don’t need to confront anything because I’ve got nothing to confront and if I did I wouldn’t be fit to remain as Prime Minister and my job is to deliver Brexit.  I believe my deals does deliver an orderly Brexit and that is what I am doing and that is what voters expect me to do.”

“And we’ll be back after  the break.”

And ‘Frost Over May’ concludes next week, when we’ll be focussing on foreign policy with the United States, Russia and China.  Be there!”

See you next Tuesday.

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