Hi, I’m Apple…

…and I’m Ginger.

And, as temperatures continue to run high over Brexit and next year’s Presidential election, think of this.

In a few week’s time Hulu will be streaming a new six-part adaptation of ‘Catch 22’ starring British resident George Clooney.

In ‘Catch 22.’ which is set in Italy during World War II, Captain Yossiman wants to get out of the war, but Colonel Cathcart keeps extending the number of bombing missions before he can get out of the war.

Remind you, at all, of Brexit?

First, it was June 23rd 2016.

Then, Article 50 didn’t get triggered until March 29th 2017.

Then, Theresa May did nothing about it, while declaring war on Russia and insulting the intelligence of anyone with two brain cells to rub together.

Then, she lost several votes on a ‘deal’ no-one asked for, lost a vote of no confidence, refused to resign and became a mad dictator.

Then, she swanned off to Brussels and asked for an extension to Article 50 and Article 50 turned into Catch 22.

The new March 29th was April 12th 2019.

Then, she swanned off to Brussels and asked for another extension to Article 50 and April 12th became October 31st 2019.

But she’ll be toast by then!

On May 23rd she even held elections to the European parliament, even though they won’t be there.


So, along came Nigel Farage with his newly-minted Brexit Party.

Captain Farage wants to get out of the European Union, but Colonel May keeps extending the date, saying “I want to deliver Brexit, but no-one will vote for my deal -Catch 22!”

And who asked for a deal?


The majority vote was just to leave.  All the nonsense about deals and backstops and trade deals and customs unions and single markets is all cooked up by May and other traitors as excuses not to do the will of the people!

In 1776, did George Washington tell Americans “We need a deal before we leave Britain?”

Did he, fridge!

Did Australia, Hong Kong, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Canada, New Zealand, or any other country say “We need to make a deal before we have independence from the United Kingdom?”

Did they, feather!

So, surely, Britain doesn’t need a deal to regain its’ independence from the European Union?

No, it doesn’t.  It just needs to reverse the 1972 Act of Parliament that joined the Common Market from New Year’s Day 1973.  Any fool could do it!

But Theresa May is worse than a fool.  She’s an idiot!

With the 75th Anniversary of D.Day only weeks ago, what a relief we didn’t really fight World War !! like the Hell of ‘Catch 22.’

But wait.  ‘Catch 22’ is about perpetual warfare, but we don’t have perpetual warfare, do we?

Don’t we?  Politics is perpetual warfare waged by two parties, one to the left and one to the right.  Labour and Conservative.  Democrat and Republican.

And all they do is fight, instead of serving voters!

The two sides of the European Referendum are still waging perpetual war, instead of obeying the will of the people!

To Democrats the 2016 Presidential election was ‘Trump War I’ they’re still fighting over the result three years on.  The 2020 Presidential election will be top them ‘Trump War II.’  All they do is fight, instead of obeying the will of the people.

Well, we, the people, have had enough!

In the immortal words of Peter Finch in ‘Network’ in 1976, “We’re mad as hell and we’re not gonna take it anymore!”

Whatever country you’re joining us from, go and tell your politicians “I’m mad as hell and I’m not gonna take it anymore!”

And if you feel oppressed by anything, or anyone, go and tell them “I’m mad as hell and I’m not gonna take it anymore!”

Happy Times & Places!  Say goodnight, Gracie.

Goodnight, Gracie.

See you next Tuesday.


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