Hi, I’m Apple…

…and I’m Ginger.

And Professor Quiteamess and the Reverend Archie Farcnad were having a chat in the ‘Silly Cow’ the other night about evolution.

And Professor Quiteamess said he felt it was all horsepucky.

And the Reverend Archie Farcnad said he knew it was.

And Professor Quiteamess said “The trouble is that I have never got a straight answer from anyone to explain fossils as we have them.”

And the Reverend Archie Farnad said “Then this is your lucky day.”

“Think of all fossils, all over the world, as a snapshot of where everything was at one point in history.”

“All fossils are in dried water.”

“That water is commonly thought of as the Ice Age, but it is, in fact, the waters of the Biblical Flood.”

“Not just the Dinosaurs died that day.  Almost everything died over forty days and nights.”

“The Earth dating mistake comes from calculating the normal annual rate that soil adds to the ground level.”

“Where they go wrong is that they multiply that normal figure by the amount of sediment, so they get a much higher age for the Earth.  They forget, conveniently, that whatever wiped out the Dinosaurs was NOT a normal, regular, event and so will leave much more sediment at one point.”

“And that one point is where all the fossils are.”

“The soil erosion from the Flood was so colossal it left a depth of soil erosion so deep, it gives the false impression that life evolved over millions of years, which is horsepucky, as you said.”

“Let’s get back to that snapshot idea.”

“Lowest are the fish because they were already underwater.”

“Coldblooded animals, such as lizards, were near the water to begin with and so are just above in our snapshot.”

“Warmblooded animals, such as mammals, would be away from water, but would be swept away as the Flood waters increased.”

“Then there would be animals who could climb trees, who would survive that bit longer and so would be that bit higher in our snapshot.”

“Apes would be up in the trees as well, until the Flood waters engulfed the trees.”

“While the trees were being engulfed, the birds would be in the sky, until they fell to the ground, exhausted.

“Last of all, at the top of our snapshot, are humans.  They would’ve built rafts and tried to survive, but would’ve starved to death.”

“So, the snapshot, looked at bottom to top, appears to show the evolution, from the sea to the land, from coldblooded animals to warmblooded animals, from apes to humans, but, in reality, it is a tapestry of where everything was when it died in the Flood.”

And Professor Quiteamess said “Well, all that makes more sense to me than a lot of theories I’ve come across over the years.”

And the Reverend Archie Farcnad said “It’s like the ‘Bayeaux Tapestry’ of the Flood.”

“And Professor Quiteamess said “Brilliant!”

Well, that was fascinating, wasn’t it!

Speaking for myself, I’d much rather have Noah for an ancestor, even though I’m not Jewish.

And I don’t want to be related to apes, who scratch their backsides and pick flies off each other.

Although I do like PG Tips tea.

So do I.

D’you know the piano’s on my foot.

You hum it, son.  I’ll play it.

Say goodnight, Gracie.

Goodnight, Gracie.

See you next Tuesday.





Hi, I’m Apple…

…and I’m Ginger.

And this week, meet Mick the Angel.  Up against Mick the Angel, Robert de Niro would come second in a Robert de Niro Contest.

“Hey, I’m Mick.  I’m an angel.  But I’m an angel like, if I was human, I’d be the Captain America of angels.”

“You know, the other night I heard this Australian guy talking about where matter goes when it enters a black hole.”

“This guy was as scientific as Crocodile Dundee and he was as likely to find the right answer as it is to find a real crocodile in Dundee.”

“He says he knows that matter goes somewhere when it goes into a black hole, but there’s no trace of it, bit like his IQ.”

He says he thinks the matter probably comes out of a wormhole, at the other end of the black hole, but he says he can’t prove it.”

“He says all this happens instantaneously, in what he calls ‘zero-time.’  He is Australian, remember, so I suppose we shouldn’t expect decent English.”

“Wake up, apeman!”

“Einstein didn’t know all the laws of physics.  My boss, Big G, invented them and some of them are only known to members of the family.  Capish?”

“The mafia may have their Godfathers, but we’ve a much older, much larger, family and we answer to the Father-God.”

“Now get this straight.  There’s no ‘zero-time.’  It’s called the ‘Speed of Thought.’  Got it? Good.”

“We travel at the Speed of Thought.”

“We communicate at the Speed of Thought.”

“We’ve been doing it since that Adam went searching for fig leaves, while clutching his jiggly bits.”

“And for two thousand years humans in the family business have been doing it via Holy Spirit dot-com.”  They call it Prayer.  So get a life.  They did!”

“Humans outside the family business are so pathetic.  They use ‘mobile phones.’  They need ‘global positioning systems.’  They need ‘satellites.’  How primitive!”

!It’s called faith, monkey man.  Do you think Noah used any of that rubbish?”

“Listen, we can take on any gang around.”

“Remember the Jericho Gang?”

“We walked round their city seven times, played our horns and the who lot came down.  How’s that for blowing your own trumpet?”

“Remember the Egyptian Mob?”

“They wouldn’t let our people go, so the boss sent in Bullrushes Moses and got them out and parted the Red Sea and brought it down on the Egyptian Mob.  No more Egyptian Mob.”

“The boss is everywhere.  He misses nothing.  If you’ve been a naughty boy or a bad girl, he knows all about it.  He might send the boys round for a word.  Know what I mean?”

“And if you’ve been a naughty catholic, don’t be surprised if you get a knock on the door and two big, hairy fellas with wings nail your pelvis to the coffee table!”

“To get back to those laws of physics.  It’s all relative, isn’t it?”

“You can see plants growing though time-lapse photography.  However, you can’t see the boss, not even through time-lapse photography.”

“You can bet he can see you, though.  The boss moves in a ‘mysterious way.’ at the Speed of Thought.”

“That way the boss can be in all places at all times.”

“The boss is ‘the alpha and the omega.’  ‘He’s breakfast television to the epilogue.’ ”

“And for those losers who don’t think my boss exists, don’t be a plonker all your life, Rodney!”

“Anyway, I gotta go now.  Some plonker called Dawkins is due a visit.  Be good. Or we send the boys round.”

More from Mick the Angel another time.

Say goodnight, Gracie.

Goodnight, Gracie.

See you next Tuesday.




Hi, I’m Apple…

…and I’m Ginger.

And you really must seek out and watch “The Clinton Affair” from The Arts and Entertainment Network.  Twenty years on it makes very important viewing.

So much has been said by Democrats about the Republicans and President Trump, in particular, using women’s issues and so forth, that some fact-checking is in order.

If you watch “The Clinton Affair” you see that for yourself, in six hour-long episodes.

Here are some examples for you.

President Trump has been criticised over the slogan “Make America Great Again.”

Fact – Bill Clinton said as a slogan “Make America Great Again” during the 1992 election campaign.  You can see it for yourself in episode one.

President Trump has been criticised for saying he will “close down the government” for as long as it takes.

Fact – Bill Clinton said he would “close down the government” for as long as it takes in 1995 and did so.  You can see it for yourself in episode two.

President Trump has been alleged of misconduct in office by Democrats, with no proof, only malicious gossip.

Fact – Bill Clinton was guilty of misconduct in office, through lying about and covering up sexual predatory behaviour and the Whitewater business scandal.

And remember, Obama also “closed down the government” in 2011.

Trump has been getting the flak unjustly by Democrats for what Democrats do deserve the flak for, that Clinton and Obama deserved.  You can see it all for yourself in “The Clinton Affair.”

So, last Tuesday, when whiter-than-white Democrats were sitting on their hands during the State of the Union Address, remember their lies.

It’s nothing new.

Kennedy sent troops into Vietnam.  Johnson increased that number.  However, protests only started when Nixon was elected in 1968.

Nixon brought the war in Vietnam to an end in January 1973 at a peace conference in Paris, with the deal to return all prisoners of war.

Protesters wanted the war to end, but did not think of tortured prisoners of war coming home as well, such as future Senator John McCain!

In ‘Born On the Fourth of July’ you have a protest at the Republican National Convention in 1972.

They weren’t recruited by Republicans.  Johnson was president when they volunteered and when they were injured.

Why complain to Nixon, when he’s bring the war to an end by 1972?

Why go to the Democratic National Convention in 1976, when Carter pardoned all the draft dodgers, in exile in Canada, after he was inaugurated in 1977?


And remember that Bill “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” Clinton WAS one of those draft dodgers, hiding in Oxford, England.  Some Commander-in-Chief!

All we are saying is don’t be taken in by the lies off the glib tongue of the peace-sodden Democrats.  Give the Republicans the chance they need.

Look at what Trump has already done.  North Korea hasn’t launched a missile in fifteen months.  North and South Korea have met and Trump has met Kim of North Korea in Singapore.

At the end of this month they meet again, in Vietnam of all places.

And peace talks are underway in Afghanistan.

In closing, think of this.

One person says “You’re black, so you’re different.”  Dilusion.

One person says “You’re a woman, so you’re different.”  Dilusion.

One person says “You’re gay, so you’re different.”  Dilusion.

One person says “You’re Jewish, so you’re different.”  Dilusion.

One person says You’re Muslim, so you’re different.”  Dilusion.

One person says “You’re disabled, so you’re different.”  Dilusion.

There is only one race.  The Human Race.  The soul of a human being is sexless.  Gender is a dilusion.

There is only one God.  Religion is a dilusion, but belief in that God is not.  Only the fool says there is no God.

Belief transcends all.  Think about it because it’s time for us to go now.

Say goodnight to all the nice people around the world.

OK, goodnight folks.  See you next Tuesday.







Hello folks. Here we are again for Christmas.  Three episodes for you, so, scroll down for today’s episode, then scroll up for our Christmas Special and scroll up again for our New Year Special.

Back to normal on Tuesday January 8th 2019.

Happy Times and Places!

P.S. – We love you all!


January 1st 2019


Hi, I’m Apple…

…and I’m Ginger.

Happy New Year!

Let’s look at some significant dates and anniversaries to look out for in 2019.

A lot of important events take place in the final year of a decade.

This year is the centennial of the Treaty of Versailles being signed.  Remember, November 11th 1918 was only the Armistice.  The Treaty of Versailles was the event that formally marked the end of the Great War.  In fact, many commemorative statues give the years 1914 to 1919.  the Treaty of Versailles was signed by the Social Democrats, after a revolution in Germany during 1918.  Corporal A. Hitler never forgave them for giving so much of Germany’s land away.  Fast-forward 20 years.  this year is also the 80th anniversary of the start of World War II – The Sequel!

If you thought the last decade was hard financially, remember that 2019 is the 90th anniversary of the Wall Street Crash.  Have stock markets really learnt anything in 90 years?

This year is also the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings, where we saved Ryan’s privates!

This year also marks China going communist 70 years ago.  It also marks the 70th anniversary of the ‘Yangtse Incident,’ when a British warship was blockaded.  China seems more open 70 years on, but remains mistrusted in the west!

Another revolution happened a decade later.  In 1959 Fidel Castro came to power in Cuba.  Many had a counter-revolution and went to live in Florida.  Now, 60 years on, Cuba seems a different place, after Obama made friends and Fidel Castro passed power on to his brother.

A very important anniversary occurs on July 20th 2019.  It will be the 50th anniversary of the First Man on the Moon.  Neil Armstrong is now amongst the stars 50 years on, but the missions of Apollo XI in 1969 to Apollo XVII in 1972 represent a very important statement.  Before people thought their smartphones were the most important things in the universe, we went to the Moon!  If you’re too young to remember, boy, did you luck out!

On Christmas Day 1978 Vietnam invaded Cambodia to depose Pol Pot and so 2019 marks the end of the Killing Fields of the Kmer Rouge, or Red Army, 40 years on the and the end of Year Zero.  Since 1973 madness had descended on Cambodia, at the end of the Vietnam War.  Ironically, it was Vietnam that got rid of the communists in Cambodia.  Although Year Zero is over 40 years on, a phrase that was to be heard in 1979 is still with us today.  Boat people!

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.  Germany was reunified in 1990 and the Soviet Union fell in 1991.  What happened next may have made a certain Vladimir Putin, then in the Silent Wasp, otherwise known as the Cagey Bee, feel like a certain Corporal A. Hitler felt in 1919 because Russia lost East Germany, a reunified Germany became far too dominant in the European Union and the European Union went on a land grab, taking all eastern European states away from Russia.  The European Union may be paying the price for that land grab already!

This year is also the 25th anniversary of Nelson Mandela becoming President of South Africa in 1994.  A quarter of a century on, are South Africans really any better off?

In 1999 Bill Clinton was indicted and 20 years on the Democrats are still kicking and screaming about it.  Remember the debacle of the Kavanaugh case last October!  Also 20 years ago, on New Year’s Eve 1999 Boris Yeltsin dropped a bombshell.  He would resign at midnight, 9pm  Greenwich Mean Time, so his named successor, Vladimir Putin, could replace him from Midnight on New Year’s Day 2000.  Russia was back!  Love ’em or hate’em, you can’t keep a former superpower down!

A decade ago Obama was inaugurated as President.  This has proved a blessing and a curse.  African-Americans and women may have been left with unrealistic expectations by him.

And so to 2019.  We have shown that the last year of a decade has shaped the decades ahead for over a century. The twenty-teens are no different.  March 19th 2019 will see Brexit!

How will this shape the 2020s?  Could Russia take back the eastern states from the European Union, following the Ukraine and Crimea this decade?  Will the European Union implode, just like the Soviet Union before it?  Will the New Great Britain form a new empire through the Commonwealth, let by the monarchy and a newly independent government?  Will Korea be reunified, like Germany before it?

Who knows?  Shakespeare called the future “the undiscovered country,” so you’ll have to wait and see.  I promise you one thing.  It’ll be the trip of a lifetime!

Happy Times and Places.

Join us on the journey next week and every week.  It wouldn’t be the same without you faithful companions along for the ride.

Say goodnight to all the nice people around the world.

OK., goodnight folks.  See you next Tuesday on January 8th 2019.



December 25th 2018


Hi, I’m Apple…

…and I’m Ginger.

And condements of the season.

Not to much salt and hold the mustard, or you might end up a sadsack  underneath the mistletoe.Now, last night we were all enjoying Christmas Eve with Miserable Les at the ‘Silly Cow’ and the conversation between Miserable Les and his wife went like this:-

“This Christmas is special.  It’s our last European Christmas.  Next Christmas will be our first proper British Christmas since 1972.”

“But Les, we’re leaving the EU, not Europe itself.  Continental Europe’s still going to be there.  It’s not going to disappear off to somewhere off the Sargasso Sea.”

“Wouldn’t bother me if it did.  Remember the Metric Martyrs!  Market traders imprisoned for not going metric.  That was a diabolical liberty.  The EU owe us an apology for that!  I’mean, the NFL says ‘it’s a game of inches.’ Well, it won’t be if the EU gets its grubby little hands on it.”

“Yes, that metric business was wrong.

“Exactly, I mean the British invented imperial measures.  That’s why they’re called ‘imperial.’ ”

“Actually, Les, the British got them from Arabic countries.  Britain was still using Latin from the Romans.”

“Well, the British made more out of the imperial measurements, anyway.  That’s why I’m looking forward to a Great British Christmas next year.”

“What’s so British about Christmas?”

“Well, there’s yer Church of England, isn’t there?”

“The Church of England was invented by Henry VIII in the 16th century because the Pope wouldn’t give him a divorce.”

“Well, the Church of England’s got yer Nativity.  Now that’s as British as they come.”

“The Nativity takes place in Bethlehem, that’s in Israel.”

“Well, they don’t have Christmas trees in Israel because Christmas trees are a British invention.”

“Actually, it was introduced by Prince Albert, who was German.”

“But he was married to Queen Victoria and it was a British tree.”

“Actually, it was a gift from the King of Norway and everyone copied the tradition.”

“Well, Christianity is British.”

“Actually, Christianity started in the Holy Land in the 1st century, spread across the Roman Empire about 400 years later, as the Emperor recognised Christianity as the dominant religion, the Holy Roman empire became the Roman Catholic church and the Church of England was invented by Henry VIII to get a divorce, which he granted himself, as head of the Church of England because the Pope refused.”

“Well, of course Christianity started with Jesus Christ because he gave his name to it.  Jesus was the first Christian.”

“Actually, he was Jewish.”

“Yes, but when the Jews didn’t want him he came the first Christian and gave us our great British Bible.”

“Actually, the Bible was written in Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic.”

“But the Bible’s in English.”

“Yes, it was translated into English by William Tyndale in the 16th century, who was persecuted by so-called ‘Christian’ Catholics, during the reign of Elizabeth I and only became English under the reign of James I in 1607, using most of William Tyndale’s rather superior translation.”

“But James I was English.”

“Actually, he was Scottish, where he was known as James VI and became King of England because Elizabeth I named no successor.”

“Well, Jesus speaks English on television.”

“That’s because they’re English-speaking films.”

“Robert Powell played him in ‘Jesus of Nazareth’ in 1977.  There are lots of different Jesuses.”

And the Reverend Archie Farcnad overheard and said “There is only one Christ, only one Saviour, only one way into the Kingdom of Heaven.”

And that was that!

Have a thoughtful Christmas.  We’ll be back on New Year’s Day.

Say goodnight to all the nice people around the world.

OK, goodnight folks.  See you next Tuesday.



December 18th 2018


Hi, I’m Apple…

…and I’m Ginger.

This week we want to pay tribute to the satirical wit of Alan Abel, born in Zanesville, Ohio in 1924.

In the late ’50s Alan Abel was a jazz drummer and was driving through Texas one day and found the highway blocked by a bull and cow mating.

While the bull and cow were mating, drivers were waiting and the horrified expressions on their faces gave him an idea.

He founded the spoof ‘Society for Indecency to Naked Animals,’ which campaigned to “clothe all naked animals that appear in public, namely horses, cows, dogs and cats, including any animal that stands higher than 4 inches or is longer than 6 inches.”

He hired an actor friend to play the earnest president of the society, G. Clifford Prout.

He invented slogans, such as “A Nude Horse Is a Rude Horse” and “Decency Today Means Morality Tomorrow.”

He air-dropped clothes into fields of cows, added shorts to the Greyhound Bus logo and staged a demonstration outside the White House in the early ’60s to urge Jackie Kennedy to cover up her horse’s private parts.

G. Clifford Prout appeared on ‘The tonight Show’ with Johnny Carson and was interviewed by Walter Cronkite on the ‘CBS Evening News.’

Branches sprang up everywhere before Alan Abel exposed his own hoax, explaining it had all been “to give people a kick up the intellect” and to make them laugh in serious times.”

Thus began a career making the hoax an art form, that fed on the gullibility of journalists, desperate for an exclusive scoop, the credulity of the public and his country’s constant moral carping.

When white supremacist David Duke was running for Governor of Louisiana in 1991 Alan Abel invented the ‘Ku Klux Klan Symphony Orchestra’ to promote a “kinder, gentler “image of David duke’s supporters.  He paid musician friends to record ‘The William Tell Overture’ off-key, then sent the recording to radio stations, saying David Duke had been the guest conductor.

In 1993, amidst controversy provoked by Jack Kevorkian’s advocacy of a right to die, he invented a company in Florida called “Euthanasia Cruises” that offered “one-way voyages for those who wanted to expire in luxury.”

In 2006 he posed as Texas businessman Irwin Leba and proposed replacing income tax with a National Fat Tax, whereby citizens would pay 5 dollars for every pound they weighed.  He used the slogan “The More You Weigh the More You Pay.”

Alan Abel got some of his wit from his Lithuania-Jewish father, who owned a shop and put a sign saying “Limit – Only Two To a Customer” in front of anything that wouldn’t sell.  They’d all be gone by the end of the day!

Posing as a professional golfer, Alan Abel taught executives from Westinghouse how to us ballet positions to improve their game.

He invented Yetta Bernstein, a Jewish grandmother from the Bronx, who ran in the 1964 presidential election, with the slogan “Vote for Yetta and Things Will Get Betta.”  She never appeared in person, but his wife impersonated her in countless radio and television interviews, campaigning for “national bingo tournaments and a truth serum in congressional drinking fountains.”

When Idi Amin was exiled from Uganda in 1979, he noticed a lookalike on the New York subway.  He hired the man, some actor friends and a penthouse suite at the Plaza Hotel and staged Idi Amin’s wedding to a young white woman from Long Island.  Even the FBI were fooled into turning up for that one.

He hired an actress to play a young cosmetologist, who had won the New York State lottery and staged a lavish party at the Omni Park Plaza Hotel, threw dollar bills from the windows and faxed invitations to the media.  Totally taken in, the headline in the following day’s ‘New York Post’ was “35 Million Dollars and She’s Single!”

He founded ‘Females for Felons’ which campaigned for sex visits for prisoners.

He founded ‘Concerned Colourblind Citizens’ which protested against the use of colours to designate the security threat level to the United States.

And he wrote books, such as ‘Is There Sex After Death?’  This asked the question “Is it dangerous to masterbate under an electric blanket?” and pondered “Will the sex organs wear out from too much use?”

Alan Abel joins us in our lovely little village of Upton Went, as part of ‘the Greatest Show Not On Earth,’ the entrance of which is a time and space portal, where all time and space are one, outwardly appearing as a full size replica of the Crystal Palace from the Great Exhibition of 1851.  It’s where everyone goes, if they’ve been nice!

Time for us to go now.  We’ll be back with our Christmas Special on Christmas Day and New Year Special on New Year’s Day.

See you next Tuesday and have a very happy Christmas and New Year.  Happy times and Places.

OK, goodnight folks.  See you next Tuesday.


Hi, I’m Apple…

…and I’m Ginger.

And let’s pause for a moment and remember those who died in New York, Washington DC and Pennsylvania on 9/11, which was also a Tuesday, 17 years ago today.

Three things remain lasting memories for us.

Firstly, Peter Jennings getting emotional on the air that day and saying “if you’ve got a relative, call ’em up, let them know you’re safe.”

Dear Peter Jennings.  He admitted starting smoking again and he passed away from lung cancer in 2005.

We still miss him.

Secondly, Dan Rather being David Letterman’s first guest when regular programming returned the following Monday and getting emotional and David Letterman holding his hand.

The unflappable Dan Rather, who had been through Vietnam, many hurricanes and the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in 1968, getting emotional on air. That’s serious.

And thirdly, the NFL and Baseball seasons stopping.

The New York Yankees had won 3 straight World Series.

Come the World Series in November, it went to 7 games.

There were 2 out in the bottom of the 9th inning, against the Arizona Diamondbacks.

The count was 3 and 2 and the Yankees were ahead.

The Yankees had their best closer on, but somehow one got past him.

The Diamondbacks hit a home run and with someone already on base, they won the World Series.

We always remember someone from Arizona saying “I know what’s gone on in New York, but, hey, this is baseball.”

We did not agree.  It seemed a hollow victory.

As for those 102 minutes themselves, we remember them like they just happened today.

The bright blue sky.

The last moment the World Trade Center was untouched.

That last moment before the world changed forever.

Do you remember when an airliner crashed on Queens in December?

We all thought it was another attack, but it was an awful accident.

Do you remember that only a month before 9/11 Timothy McVey was executed by lethal injection for the Oklahoma Bombing in 1995?

After 6 years families had “closure,” whatever that really means, if it means anything at all.

Then 9/11 happens.

Will those families ever have “closure?”

In October 2001 we went after Bin Liner in Afghanistan.

We’re still there today.

And we finally put Bin Liner in a bin liner in 2011 in Pakistan!

In March 2003 we want after Saddam Insane.

He said he’d fight to the last drop of blood.

He ran away instead.

We remember the streets of Baghdad being deserted and watching Oliver North, of all people, reporting for Fox News.

Saddam Insane was caught in December 2003.

And he was hanged by his own people in 2006.

But what about “closure?”

Will Palestinians ever accept that terrorism gets them nowhere?  They’ve been at it since the Six-day War in 1967.

What have Palestinians got out of over 50 years of hatred?  Whereas Jerusalem is recognised by the United States as the capital of Israel.

As a last thought let us say this.  In 1968 Stanley Kubrick gave us ‘2001 – A Space Odyssey.’

What we really got in 2001 was 9/11, endless war, hate and terrorism.

If there really is intelligent life out there somewhere why the hell would they ever want to meet us?

Have a good week.  Be happy.

Say goodnight to all the nice people around the world.

OK, goodnight folks.  See you next Tuesday.



Hi, I’m Apple…

…and I’m Ginger.

D’you know where I can buy a rhinoceros?

Yes and I can get you one that juggles.

Can you get me one that juggles balls?

Yes and I can get you straight ones too.

Can you get me a curved one if I want?

Yes and I can get you one who speaks five languages.

Can you get me one that speaks English?

Oui and I can get monseiur one that lives in Beverly Hills.

Can you get me one that can recommend a good plastic surgeon?

Yes and I can get you one that IS a good plastic surgeon and specialises in rhinoplasty.

Can he get me celebrity autographs?

Yes and only yesterday he got a signed photo of Rhino Neal.

Can he do the dishes?

Yes and he can clean the pieces up afterwards.

Is he single?

Yes and I can produce written documentation attesting to the fact that there is only one of him.

Has he got a good sense of humour?

Yes and I can show you his best-selling stand-up comedy routine?

Can he do impressions?

Yes and I can show you footage of him doing The Elephant Man, The Pink Panther and Lawrence Welk.

Has he got a good singing voice?

Yes and I can show you a copy of his latest album, ‘I’m Dreaming of a White Rhino.’

Does he go to the theatre much?

Yes and only last week he was telling me how much he enjoyed ‘The Book of Mormon’ and that he feels rhinos are under represented in the Mormon church.

Does he have any religious beliefs?

Yes and I was only chatting to him the other day on that very topic and he said he doesn’t follow any particular religion, but feels that spiritual beliefs are very important and he’s sympathetic towards the Jewish faith because Noah saved his great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great…great grandparents from the great flood.

Can you tell me his politics?

Yes and he’s a Republican because he’s known more elephants than jackasses and because Donald Trump reminds him of a favourite aunt he left in Africa.

Is he a legal American citizen?

Yes and he puts the stars and stripes up every morning and puts it down every evening, he can recite the pledge of allegiance in English and Spanish, like most in Beverly Hills and votes every November without fail.

Does he want to be in the movies, being that he lives in Beverly Hills?

Yes and he feels if Eddie Murphy can get away with three ‘Beverly Hills Cop’ films, he could get away with at least one ‘Beverly Hills Rhino.’

Can you arrange a meeting?

Yes and I can guarantee you’ll find Hamish very good company.

Hamish!  Oh, I could never live with another Scottish rhinoceros.  The last one kept playing the bagpipes every Thanksgiving.

In that case I bid you farewell and thank you for your forbearance.

Say goodnight to all the nice people and nice rhinos around the world.

OK, goodnight folks.  See you next Tuesday.


Hi, I’m Apple…

…and I’m Ginger.

And we heard a strange rumour this week from the Reverend Archie Farcnad.

Apparently it was told to him from someone who was at the General  Synod.

That’s the place the Church of England goes to discuss odd sins.

General Synod is also a character in the next ‘Star Wars’ film!

Apparently the Church of England is complaining that all their cemeteries are filling up.

This is because people just won’t stop dying.

When this first became a problem, a group of clergy, whose relatives had been in the Nazi party during the war, came up with a novel idea being revived.

Cremate the bodies!

They thought no-one would make the connection with the concentration camps as long as no-one mentioned the war.

And Jews had their own cemeteries anyway, so who would notice?

It is ironic to think how many survived the concentration camps, including many Gentiles, only to be cremated eventually anyway.

A lot of irony there, should the subject ever come up in order to liven up a particularly boring dinner party.

Well now, the Church of England can’t force cremation on anyone.

Because it can be a hot topic because everything can’t burn to ashes and many funeral directors save all the other bits and sell them for recycling.

That’s true, that is!

And, strangely enough, another rather worrying parallel with the Nazi concentration camps no-one seems to notice, or care about. I wonder why?

Well, now they need a solution again.

So, they’ve already revived ovens and used the leftovers for recycling, what should the next step be?

So they had a meeting about it.

And another group of clergy thought of the answer.

One said “I think we’re attacking this problem from the wrong direction.”

And they all said “Well, how d’ya mean?”

And he said “What are cemeteries?”

And they said “Burial grounds, where friends and loved ones can pay respects, or leave a gift, or go for a nice quiet walk, or trace their ancestors.”

And he said “You’re all missing the point.”

And they said “Well you tell us, then?”

And he said “Cemeteries are Human Landfill.”

And they said “Well, how d’ya mean?”

And he said “What happens when the borough council finds their landfill sites are full?”

And they said “Well you tell us, then?”

And he said “They send their landfill to China and let them get on with it.”

“And so you’re saying we should bury them in China.”

“No, I’m saying sell our Human Landfill to China and let them do it for us.”

“But what if friends and loved ones want to visit?”

“They can go to China.  It’s good for the planet, it’s cheaper, it’ll give us something for the Church Fund and it’s good PR with the Green lot.  They’ll love it.”

“What if people don’t like it?”

“We don’t tell ’em.  We keep one hole in the cemetery and get the coffin up after they’ve gone home and ship the coffins in a container to China.”

So, make sure you don’t get caught by the dreaded clergy.  It can be very painful!

Next week we have a secret to reveal.

Do join us.  By the way, you may have noticed, in Upton Went there is no death.  Everyone lives forever in our lovely little village of Upton Went.

Say goodnight to all the nice people around the world.

OK, goodnight folks.  See you next Tuesday.




Hello folks, sorry we’re late but one of our lovely creators was ill on Tuesday and unable to help us contact you all.  But we’re here now. so please read our message to you.  Food for thought!

Hi, I’m Apple…

…and I’m Ginger.

And on the 1st of this month the Royal Air Force celebrated its’ centennial.

Happy birthday, RAF.

For a century now, many have wondered how it came to be that the RAF…

…the First of the Few…

…who won the Battle of Britain by no falls and one submission…

…should come into existence on such a date as…

…April 1st.

Well, now the story can be told.

The date was dependent on when sufficient air fuel would be made available…

…in order to make all squadrons simultaneously operational on the same day.

The Air Ministry promised this would be accomplished by the end of March.

Pilots and aircrew laughed at this and thought it impossible at such short notice.

However, they were proved wrong when sufficient air fuel was delivered late on March 31st.

On the morning of April 1st all the senior officers were running around…

…with smug, silly expressions on their smug, silly old faces…

…shouting “April Fuel.”

And so a tradition was created!

Since April 1st 1918 the tradition has continued all over the world.

But only until 12 noon because that’s lunchtime!

Meanwhile, the RAF has been invited by the government of the day to a number of parties.

More famously was the invitation from Adolf Hitler to come and play tag off the coast of Dover in 1940.

Further invitations came from Hitler to come to various parties in France, North Africa, Malta and many other parties across the world from 1939 to 1945.

Finally, there came an invitation to Hitler’s “Shooting Myself and Retiring Party” in Berlin in 1945.

Then Joe Stalin invited the RAF to come to the Berlin Airlift party in 1948.

Then the Communists invited the RAF to come to a party in Korea, a war so cunningly described as a police action, from 1950 to 1953.

Then the Mao Maos’ invited the RAF to play hide and seek in the jungles of Malaysia until 1960.

Then there were the Wilderness Years, when the only parties the RAF got invited to were waving to the United States Air Force over East Anglia and not waving to Russian bombers testing air defenses.

Then there was the party in the Falkland Islands in 1982.

No-one knew where the Falklands were, but they were British, so the Argentinians had to be told to leave, which they did.

Since 2001 there has been the party in Afghanistan and since 2003 the party in Iraq.

The latter very much a sequel to the Gulf War to free Kuwait from Iraq in 1991.

I wonder where the next party will be?

Considering how the British government are breaking off all diplomatic negotiations with Russia, perhaps the RAF should start learning Russian!

Playing “Kuritsa,” or chicken, with Russia is stupid.

It is “drak,” or stupid, to follow this path to war.

I say “niet” to war with Russia.  The real threat comes from terrorists, however, no such drastic action has been taken since 9/11.  I wonder why?  Whereas most safely practice their religion, some do not and those must be stopped from killing.  I think the British government are afraid to act against Arab countries because of political correctness.  It means going to war over a tiny minority, who pervert their religion by hate.  They don’t want to go to war over religion, except it’s clear terrorists have a warped view of what their religion is telling them.  The British government deny what is real.  The brainwashing of terrorists must stop.  Now!

And then they go to war with Russia because it’s easier, because there are no religious differences, both are Christian countries and it’s easier than being friends with Russia.

If it does come to war, let it be remembered that the Russian Orthodox Church and the Church of England will both be praying to the same God for victory.

“When all are talking peace, look up!”

Well see you again next week, until then, say goodnight to all the nice people around the world.

O.K., goodnight folks.  See you next Tuesday.






Hi, I’m Apple…

…and I’m Ginger.

And the Reverend Archie Farcnard wrote a thoughtful article for ‘The Daily Upton’ at Easter, which has raised a great deal of awareness and support.  This is what he wrote.

“Let me say it up front in the first sentence, I object to the name and title of my Lord and Saviour up above, Jesus Christ, being used in scripts and literature as a common swear word.

This is not swearing.  I am not against so-called bad language.  It seems the utterance of an Anglo-Saxon invective can have an analgesic effect when in sudden pain.

But to use the name of Jesus and the title Christ in such a manner is not swearing only.  It is blasphemy, but if it means nothing to you faith-wise, then it disrespecting others who are spiritual around you and who are too polite to tell you off.

Well, I’m not too polite!  I’m telling you straight that if I hear anyone do so, or anyone complains to me that someone else has done so, I will have no qualms about sending ‘The Boys’ round to where you live, to teach you a lesson in manners by praying with you all night!

And I promise you that ‘The Boys’ can make it a very long night indeed!

Now, I know for a fact that the BBC has a list of forbidden words and no doubt all other channels and networks have a similar document.

Top of the list at the BBC is a six-letter word referring to a black person, which didn’t used to be on such a list because it was impolite racial slang.  Impolite racial terminology have been added to the list due to lobbying.  However, please note that racial epithets for the Welsh, English, Irish, Scottish, Australians and Americans are still in common use.

All things being equal, this six-letter word should be joined on the list by Taffy, Pommy, Mick, Jock, Ozzies and Yanks.  Where is the parity?  Why does one matter over another when all are equal in God’s sight?

It angers me greatly the BBC guidelines for offensive words put a word referring to a black person, that is not blasphemous, at the top of the list and I am justified in this righteous anger in defense of my beliefs.

With other sexual words and milder words for excrement, all also not blasphemous, the name Jesus and the title Christ come far down the list.  Too far down!

To blaspheme is more acceptable than to swear or use racial terminology.  How do people of any faith feel?

Often words are cut when a film is being shown at an earlier time.

The six-letter word beginning with N will be cut.

The four-letter word beginning with F will be cut.

The four-letter word beginning with C will be cut.

The four-letter word beginning with S will be cut.

However, the six-letter word beginning with C is never cut.  Nor is the five-letter word beginning with J ever cut.

Funnily enough, one film where you won’t find Jesus or Christ used wrongly is ‘Life of Brian,’ a film considered blasphemous in itself, in 1979 and still by some today.

Monty Python’s ‘Life of Brian’ is not blasphemous.  There is not a single word against faith itself.  It is a satire on high-minded Catholic and Protestant teaching, which is dogma over spirituality.  I find it a very spiritual film.  So there!

Of course, no other religious figures are blasphemed in speech.  People don’t say ‘Oh, my Allah’ or ‘For Mohammed’s sake,’ but in a 1979 episode of ‘Fawlty Towers,’ about a deaf woman, John Cleese did utter ‘Oh, Buddha,’ which I think makes my point nicely.

The other week I was preparing a sermon and an afternoon play was on the BBC’s Radio 4 at 2.15.  There was no strong bad language, but Christ was used blasphemously at least 7 times in 45 minutes.  At least once ever 6 minutes.  So I speak up now!

The guidelines must recognise blasphemy as religious offense, just as much as racial offense.

In conclusion I say this.  Whatever your faith or religion I love you and God loves you and if you have no beliefs at all, I love you and God loves you.  All of you!

I’m going to lobby, by letter, the BBC and all my television and radio channels and networks.  Will you do the same in solidarity?

If you are a person of faith, will you support me in lobbying that the name of Jesus and the title Christ not to be allowed to be broadcast blasphemously?

Please say you will.

If you are a person of no faith, will you support me in lobbying for parity of respect that the name of Jesus and the title Christ will be equally respected, with all other minority religions?

Please say you will too.

God bless you all at Easter and don’t let the eight-letter word beginning with B in plural grind you down!”

Food for thought from the Reverend Archie Farcnad.  We support him.  We hope you will too.  Say goodnight to all the nice people around the world.

O.K, goodnight folks.  See you next ~Tuesday.




Hi, I’m Apple…

…and I’m Ginger.

Bit Late.  Our creators celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary on Monday.  They were invited to the North Korea Appreciation Society at the American Embassy in London.

Not wishing to pass up a free nosh-up, but not being particularly appreciative of the way North Korea is farting around, creating a big stink off the coast of Japan, the dinner was not well attended, apart from a few Democrats, so they drank most of the booze and have only recently regained clarity of vision, not to mention consciousness.

So, what are we to make of North Korea threatening the United States?

This is the biggest Mexican standoff for lovers of the end of civilisation as we know it since the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Arizona Diamondbacks robbing the New York Yankees of a 4th consecutive World Series on days after 9/11.  I mean, c’mon!  It was the bottom of the 9th inning, there were 2 out and it was 3 & 2, plus the champagne was already open!

But we digress.

I digress? What about the Diamondbacks?

Back to North Korea.

I wish they had been in North Korea, instead of Yankee Stadium.

Take a deep breath.  It’s only the national pastime.

So’s North Korea at the moment.  President Trump has promised to send “Fire and Fury” to North Korea.  Fire and Fury are 2 female impersonators, whose mission is to embarrass Kim to death.

I hear the ICBMs could reach the south side of Chicago and I also hear that some people on the south side of Chicago feel this would give them the chance of a fresh start they’ve been looking for.

Brian Maggot, writing in his ‘Maggot Patch’ column in the ‘Upton Times’ said the other day this:-

“Are the ICBMs a call for help, or overcompensation for Kim having a small cock?  We asked the Russian Ambassador.  He said he’s never seen Kim’s cock, but he has seen his penis and it’s like a weeny carrot.  Some wonder if the real reason behind this standoff is that CBS want to bring back ‘MASH’ set today.”

Let’s be clear.  Saddam Hussein was a dictator and so was Gaddafi, but they were generally only a danger to their own people.

Kim is like a real life James Bond villain.  A megalomaniac, with an insane scheme for world domination.

He is Dr. No Way.

He is Goldpenis.

He is Ernst Stavro Blowhard.

And he is the Man With the Golden Truss.

His cunning plan is to be recognised as a nuclear power.

And the only way that can happen is by becoming a nuclear power and using that power through launching his ICBMs.

The best way to take a bridge is both ends at once and the best way to take North Korea is the same, South Korea at one end and the United States fleet at the other.

Otherwise there’ll be Mushrooms for dinner until the radiation goes in a century or two.

Make no mistake.  This is a clear and present danger.

We think it’s high time the House, the Senate, the Democrats and the crooked media got behind President Trump as Commander-in-Chief, before it starts hitting the fan.

Otherwise, if you wake up one morning and find morning hasn’t arrived, you’re probably gonna be right.

If you’re used to praying, continue at it.  If you’re not, what are you waiting for, dumdum?  Get started!  It’s never too late to start until it’s too late!

Anyway, we’re off to see if our creators are feeling a bit less below the waterline, now.

We’ll give them all your love and best wishes and they thank you for your loyalty.

Say goodnight to all the nice people around the world.

OK, goodnight folks.  See you next Tuesday.



Hi, I’m Apple…

…and I’m Ginger.

And what about that driver in Arkansas?

He drove over a newly-erected monument of the directives that Charlton Heston brought on tablets, the Ten Commandments, no less!

So, he managed to break all 10 commandments in one go.

And that takes some doing.

Yes, it’s not easy to commit adultery while ogling your neighbour’s ass.

And sometimes it’s not easy to obey your mother and father without committing murder.

Strange, that.

And it’s very hard obeying the Sabbath if there’s a sale on at Macy’s!

Of course, the first and most important commandment is to “obey the Lord your God with all your heart,” it’s, therefore, strange that so many religions insert other things, not in the 10 commandments at all.

For instance, there seems to be an unwritten 11th “thou shalt not be very nice to gay people.”

Surely, if religions were right about being gay, it would be mentioned in the 10 Commandments in the Old Testament and the Sermon on the Mount in the New Testament.

It would, if it was that important.

But, of course, it’s not.

Theologians point to Sodom and Gomorrah as proof that being gay is wrong in itself, but have they missed the point?

The point of Sodom and Gomorrah was that the behaviour was predatory and lustful.

By pinning this solely on gay people, it appears theologians are saying that being a sexual predator and lustful and promiscuous and generally sleeping around is alright if you’re heterosexual.

But, surely, that is not the lesson God meant us to take away from the Sodom and Gomorrah saga.

Nor that it was wrong to be gay.

Nor that it is alright to hate gay people.

Surely the point that was being made with Sodom and Gomorrah was that it is sinful to be a sexual predator, whoever you are!

That is why adultery is in the 10 commandments.

That is why ogling your neighbour’s wife’s ass is in the 10 commandments.

That is why it says if you commit adultery with your heart, you do so with your body also.

And that is why there is nothing about being gay being a sin in the 10 commandments or in the Sermon on the Mount.

The point is that you love another person as yourself.

And your love towards that person is exclusive.

And that is true of any gender.!

Exclusive love is the key to life, the universe and everything.

And if anyone thinks differently, we say sod ’em.

And gomorrah ’em as well.

And with that, it’s time for us to go now, but we’ll see you again next week.  Same Bat-time, same Bat-channel.

Say goodnight to all the nice people around the world and to all the developing life -forms out there, the secret is to bang the rocks together!

O.K, goodnight folks.  See you next Tuesday.


Hi, I’m Apple…

…and I’m Ginger.

And we were chatting to Whiskey Tango Foxtrot this week.

He had a bad dream the other night.

In his dream Whiskey Tango Foxtrot was watching a ‘Pointless’ Ian Brady Special.

In round 1 the contestants had to find the most pointless person Ian Brady killed.

In round 2 the contestants had to find the most pointless witness for the prosecution at the trial.

In round 3 the contestants were shown a map of Saddleworth Moor and had to fill in the blanks of where the bodies were buried and again, identify the most pointless.

In the final the contestants could either choose Famous Murders After the Abolition of the Death Penalty in Britain, Memorable Multi-murderers of the 20th Century, or Methods of Torture by the Catholic Church During the Spanish Inquisition.

They chose Methods of Torture by the Catholic Church During the Spanish Inquisition.

They thought they were sure to find a pointless answer because, as ‘Monty Python’s Flying Circus’ put it “No-one expects the Spanish Inquisition.”

They got a pointless answer, which was “the fluffy cushion with all the stuffing up one end.”

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot was telling us that what brought this bad dream on was the coverage of the death of Ian Brady.

He said that he was sickened by so many, including so-called men of God, calling him a “monster” and “looking forward to him burning in Hell.”

As a former soldier, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot knows all-too-well the necessity of leaving hatred behind and leaving matters after a death of someone like Ian Brady to a higher judge than mankind.

If a society calls a man a monster, even in that person’s death, they will only succeed in creating more man-made monsters.

It’s over 50 years since the Moors Murders and Whiskey Tango Foxtrot felt society has learnt nothing in those 50 years.  He was a monster then, therefore, he remains a monster in death.  Such reasoning in society is, indeed, pointless.

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot told us he learnt a lot about the workings of bogs like Saddleworth Moor in the army.  The land underneath shifts in a crescent over time.  Therefore, he feels Ian Brady may well have identified the correct location in 1986, but the earth had moved.  He had no other secret to reveal.  It is likely the body will appear one day in years to come, after the earth cycle has completed itself.  When that happens Whiskey Tango Foxtrot hopes people will see Ian Brady kept no secrets from no-one at the end.  Only time can tell.

And Whiskey Tango Foxtrot wishes at least some so-called men of God could have shown Christian love and compassion and understanding the state of mind that drove Ian Brady to do what he did in life should not be a concern of mortals in death.  Society must grow and move on.

The way Whiskey Tango Foxtrot spoke reminded us of the play ‘Brand’ by Henrik Ibsen in 1865, concerning a priest.  There is a quote which says “It is our time, our generation, that is sick and must be cured.  All you want to do is flirt and play and laugh.”

Food for thought for our time and our generation.

Also this week, Miserable Les told us of a couple who walked into the Silly Cow sideways, facing each other.  One said to the other, “next time you use super glue, don’t give me a hug afterwards!”

And we’ll leave you this week with a little brain-teaser.

Where do people in Bedfordshire go up the little wooden hill to at night?

Answers on a postcard please to:

Multicoloured Swapshop

1600 Pensylvania Avenue

New Mexico.

Anyway, it’s time for us to go now, but we’ll be back again next week, when it’ll be the anniversary of D-Day and 2 days later it’ll be E-Day, with the British General      Election.  Be there!

Say goodnight to all the nice, thoughtful, compassionate people around the world.

O.K, goodnight folks.  See you next Tuesday.








Hi, I’m Apple…

…and I’m Ginger.

And we were just talking about sex.

You know, that thing the English can only talk about by mouthing the word.

Which sounds like “ex.”

We asked the Reverend Archie Farcnad about how a lot of religious people seem not to allow themselves to enjoy sex, as if to enjoy sex would be sinful, which it is not.

And the Reverend Archie Farcnad said “Well, sex is just this thing, you know?”

So, he was a lot of use!

We wondered if some opened in prayer beforehand and said “For what we are about to receive may the Lord make us truly thankful.”

Or whether some women leave their hats on.

It’s a lot safer with a hat on!

It’s so sad when couples feel coupling is a duty to be discharged, if you’ll pardon the expression, rather than a gift.

Rather like National Service.

Standing to attention horizontally and doing rifle drill at night.

That’s another thing.  Some seem to think sex in the day is kinky.

So, they have sex only nocturnally?

Yes, they only come out at night.

Then there are the strange customs, like a man having his hair cut at a barbers on a Friday and the barber asking if he wanted “Something for the weekend.”

Which means a condom, but the English are too shy to call it a condom, so they call it a Rubber Johnny, or, quite bizarrely, French Letters.

Who was Rubber Johnny, we wonder?

And why should the French be seen as obsessed with sex?

It’s not that the French, or anyone else, is obsessed with sex, it’s just that the English are not very comfortable with it.

Someone said Finland is even more shy.

Perhaps the Finnish use English Letters and Rubber Eriks.

Then there’s the orgasm.

Some seem to think to enjoy the orgasm is somehow sinful.

If God hadn’t intended us to enjoy sex he wouldn’t have given us the orgasm.

I always thought that was to tell you when it’s over.

You have just reduced thousands of years of study into human relationships into Porky Pig saying at the end of a Warner Brothers cartoon “That’s all folks!”

Or “Game over!”

In which case to continue playing you’d have to put another penny in the slot!

Of course, it’s worth pointing out in conclusion, that all these hangups, or should that be hangdowns, seem to pertain to straight couples for some reason.

Whereas there must be some exceptions, gay couples don’t seem to have such shyness.

On the whole they seem much more comfortable about expressions of love and affection.

At the end of the day, or even at the start of it, any relationship is not about sex and sex doesn’t need to be present at all, it’s about two people loving each other because they can’t stand to be apart.

That is love!

And with that we must love you and leave you, but we’ll see you again next week.

Say goodnight to all the nice people around the world.

OK, goodnight folks.  See you next Tuesday.





Hello all you nice people around the world.  Apple and Ginger here. Our creators
have prepared for you 3 episodes all about our lovely little village of Upton Went.
Please remember to scroll down for the first one, December 13th. Thank you for being
with us and we hope you continue to do so next year.

December 27th 2016

Hi, I'm Apple...

...and I'm Ginger.

And we hope you had a happy and healthy Christmas.

We had a card from Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, who had gone to spend Christmas with his
Mum at a hotel.

His Mum was chatting to a man over Christmas dinner, who said he was enjoying the 
live music that was being supplied by a band called 'The Wizard Slade Boney M
Johnny Mathis & Bing Crosby Tribute Band, professionally known as 'Four Gigs & a

Catchy title!

He said to Whiskey Tango Foxtrot's Mum "I heard this song with my late wife being 
sung by the late Val Doonican at a theatre that's been demolished now, which used to
be on the route of the number 9 bus, when there was a number 9 bus, before our 
council flat had to be vacated because the council were redeveloping the area in 
order to build  a multi-storey carpark, which has since been turned into a supermarket,
but it's good to know that things haven't changed."

Isn't it!

We also had a card from Silly Sausage, who was spending Christmas with her Auntie

She said her Auntie Daft told her, by a strange coincidence, that a song she was
listening to on the radio reminded her of when she went to see Val Doonican perform
live on stage with her late mother.

So, Silly Sausage asked her Auntie Daft what her late mother was doing on stage with
Val Doonican.

And her Auntie Daft told her she wasn't on stage with Val Doonican, she was in the

So, Silly Sausage asked her Auntie Daft whether all the people in the audience at the
Val Doonican concert had passed away.

And her Auntie Daft told her she wasn't aware that anyone in the audience had passed
away, more than normal for a Val Doonican concert.

So, Silly Sausage mentioned that her Auntie Daft had said that her mother was
deceased at the Val Doonican concert.

And her Auntie Daft explained that her mother was alive and very much kicking when 
she went to the Val Doonican concert.

So, Silly Sausage asked her Auntie Daft whether her mother died as a result of going
to the Val Doonican concert.

And her Auntie Daft explained going to the Val Doonican concert did not kill her

So, Silly Sausage asked her Auntie Daft, if it wasn't because of the Val Doonican
concert, how did her mother come to cross the Stygian ferry.

And her Auntie Daft told her that her mother could never go on the Stygian ferry 
because she was seasick as a little girl on the way to Canvey Island, so she always
used to take the bus before they built the bridge.

So, Silly Sausage explained that the Stygian ferry is a polite way of asking how
she passed away.

And her Auntie Daft said she was knocked down by a number 9 bus.

So, Silly Sausage asked her Auntie Daft where her mother was knocked down by a 
number 9 bus.

And her Auntie Daft said she was trying to read the poster to see who was performing
at the theatre on the other side of the road the following week.

So, Silly Sausage said that was tragic.

And her Auntie Daft told her it was more than tragic, it was criminal, because that
was the first time a number 9 bus had run on time in twenty years!

It was a very large Christmas card!

Anyway, we hope you enjoyed your Christmas and our Nativity Play last week.

What have we got to look forward to next year?

Britain arguing with France and Germany over Europe, Democrats and Republicans
refusing to co-operate, chaos in the middle east and lots of industrial action just
when you want to go on holiday.

No change then.

Probably not, but you never know.  Something exciting might happen.

Anyway, have a Happy New Year and we'll see you in our lovely little village of 
Upton Went in 2017.

Unless the clocks start running backwards at midnight on New Year's Day, in which
case who knows?

Say goodnight to all the nice people around the world.

O.K. goodnight folks.  See you next Tuesday.

December 20th 2016

Hi, I'm Apple...

...and I'm Ginger.

Merry Christmas!

This is the time of year when we remember how Christ came into the world, our

This same world that is full of greed through strikes, self-interest through
laying workers off and using cheap foreign labour in sweatshops instead, terrorism
in the name of religion, murder in the name of faith and awful novelty Christmas
songs in aid of some dubious charitable cause.

And so, we present our fourth nativity play, this year set in Britannia Hospital,
where the doctors are on strike, terrorism is constant and greed and selfishness
are more important than looking after each other.

Portrait of a hospital, where money rules and forces life into second place, where
everyone thinks they're going somewhere, even though no-one's going anywhere.

However, on this particular night the staff of Britannia Hospital are about to be
visited by their future and go on a journey, which, unknown to them, is going to be
in the twilight zone.

Picture the scene, if you will.  Doctors on strike, in total disagreement with the
Health Minister, Jeremy Herod.  All administrative staff have come out on strike in
sympathy.  Non-essential operations have been cancelled for months.  Essential
operations are now being cancelled as well.  Emergency cover is thin, if not
non-existent.  Ambulances are turned away by angry pickets.

An ambulance arrives at the gates.  Striking doctors shout "scab" at the driver
and buffet the ambulance.  Paramedics tell them this is an emergency.

"What's the diagnosis?"

"Heart attack."

"What's the prognosis?"

"Be gone in ten minutes."

"No point in letting you in then."

"He can't die out here."

"Why not?  What difference would it make to him?"

"He can't stay out here.  He'll start to fizz before long."

"Alright, you'd better go in."

And the ambulance goes in, but the patient goes out, due to greed, neglect,
selfishness and stupidity.

Then a couple appear at the gates.

"My wife's gone into labour."

"So have we.  The Tories are no use to us."

"No, her waters have broken."

"Don't be disgusting.  I haven't had my tea yet."

"She's with child."

"Well, I didn't think all that was wind."

"Can you help?"

"Why, are you the dad?"

"Not really."

"Oh yes!"

"It was an immaculate conception."

"What, with a turkey baster?"

"No, it was the angel of the Lord."

"I don't know that pub.  The beer any good?"

"My wife is going to bring the messiah into the world.  All men will be blessed."

"All I want to be blessed with is a 5% pay rise and no 7 day contracts."

"Is there room?"

"Well, we're full up, what with all these bombings and terrorist attacks, but you
can't drop it out here, that would put me right off my tea."

Then 3 ambassadors arrived at the gates and said "we are here to worship the

"Stone me!"

And the 3 ambassadors went in as well, with gifts of gold, frankincense and an

And so Britannia Hospital was visited that night by the messiah.  Jeremy Herod 
eventually sorted the unions out, but the messiah was nailed to a tree one Good
Friday 33 years later.  However, he rose again on Bank Holiday Monday and left them
all to it.  He promised to return again, but that's another story.

Have a happy, healthy and safe Christmas, we'll see you next time.

O.K.goodnight folks.  See you next Tuesday.

December 13th 2016

Hi, I'm Apple...

...and I'm Ginger.

And this is the 4th and final dramatic episode of 'A Ghost Story Before Christmas.'

Our unpopular schools inspector has finally asked the Governor of the island he 
offended what goes on at the summit of the hill opposite his bedroom window.

About 2 hours before dark the Governor called.



The Governor apologised that the invitation's only for the inspector of schools, not
his wife.

"I'm used to sexism where secret societies are concerned."

"What makes you think we're a secret society?  We're very open."

"Well, if it is, don't bother with him.  He's got blackballed by several golf clubs. 
Even the Ovaltinies wouldn't have him when he was a boy."

"Well he's a man now and well able to cope with what he finds."

And off they went.

When they got to the summit theirs was the only vehicle.  There was nothing there, 
only a few Roman ruins.

"Charming spot, isn't it?"

"Charming and cold."

"It'll get hotter late, I promise you."

Eventually it got dark.   Then one-by-one, cars started appearing.  No-one got out,
but the occupants were of all ages.  He recognised some of the pupils and some of
the teachers.

"Time I broke the sinister silence, I think."

"Please do."

"Not feeling afraid, are you?"

"No, I am not!"

"Good, because it's time I revealed all and yes, I am being machiavellian."

"What the hell is this place?"

"See those ruins over there?"

Yes. So?"

"That is the ancient temple of the Brotherhood of Demnos."


"It's an ancient Roman cult, brought here when they conquered Britain and still very
much alive, I assure you."

At that point everyone got out of their cars and stood around them both in a tight
circle, all male.

"You see, there's no escape.  Every night the male inhabitants of the island come
here to pray to our goddess in these remnants of her temple.  Say hello to the
Brotherhood of Demnos."

"Hello.  All this isn't going to work, you know.  You can't spook me into
retracting my comments about the island with all this 'Wicker Man' bullshit!"

"Foul language in the temple of our blessed goddess.  Listen, this is not a horror
film, you're not Edward Woodward and this is all real.  Very, very real!"

"What d'you mean?"

"Our children may not have passed your tests or exams, but they've all passed ours.
With honours."

"What sort of exams?"

"Ancient Latin, Roman Cults, how to gut a human body after it's been sacrificed and
how to carry out those sacrifices.  They're also trained in unarmed combat, so don't
even think of thinking to run for it."

"You're mad!"

"I assure you the madness is yours.  Every night we pray for a tourist to voluntarily
come here.  Someone always does.  Provided for us by our beloved goddess to sacrifice
in her honour.  You voluntarily came here.  You are tonight's special guest.  We 
salute you, who now dies."

He was placed on a stone slab and on the nod of the Governor, one of the circle 
stepped forward with a knife!"

The knife was raised and neither he, nor his wife, were seen again, until their
bodies were found off the coast.  By the wounds it was believed they had been
attacked by sharks.

Days later Saxon House was ready for its' next visitor.  Perhaps it might be you!"

And that is the end of our 'Ghost Story Before Christmas.'  Next week it'll be time
for our Christmas special.

Join us.  Same time.  Same place.  Be there.

Say goodnight to all the nice people around the world, but only the nice ones, mind

O.K.goodnight folks.  See you next Tuesday.





Hi, I’m Apple…

…and I’m Ginger.

With so much publicity being given to terorists by the media, just to sell papers, we thought this would be a perfect time to hold the ‘2nd Annual Terrorist Video Awards.’
Anyone in the media who helps turn a bloodsucking terrorist into a celebrity is a sick blood-junkey, with all 7 George Carlin words preceding their name.

So, for all the sick blood-junkeys in the media, welcome to the ‘2nd Annual Terrorist Awards.’

The award for best actor in a leading role goes to Father Jacques Hamel.

Unfortunately, Father Hamel cannot be with us tonight because some sick bastards slit his throat when he was saying mass in Normandy in July.

The award for best actress in a leading role goes to Sister Danielle.

Unfortunately Sister Danielle cannot be with us tonight because she is still suffering from shock after witnessing the murder of Father Hamel in July.

Our best wishes go to Sister Danielle and all other friends and colleagues of Father Hamel.

The award for best adapted screenplay goes to all the bastards who attacked a shopping centre on the site of the 1972 Olympics, when Israeli athletes were taken hostage and all died, due to the authorities screwing it all up.

Unfortunately, they cannot be with us tonight because they were rightly shot by authorities and we wouldn’t allow them here anyway.

The award for best original screenplay goes to the bastard who drove a truck through a crowd in Nice on Bastille Day in July.

Unfortunately he cannot be with us tonight because, once they woke up and stopped watching the frigging fireworks, the authorities shot the bastard.

The award for best comedy performance goes to Angela Merkel for declaring a “welcoming culture” in Germany for as many refugees as possible, without thinking terrorists might take advantage and slip into continental Europe with them.

Unfortunately Angela Merkel probably could be with us tonight, but we had absolutely no intention of inviting her.

The award for most calming remark in a speech is next.

This new award goes to the Pope for saying “the world is now at war” after the terrorist attack in Normandy.

Unfortunately the Pope cannot be with us tonight either because we didn’t feel we could invite him without inviting all other religious leaders and we haven’t got enough chairs, besides the Dali Lama is washing his hair tonight.

The award for best catchphrase goes to Francois Hollande for saying “France is at war” in July,just as he said “France is at war” in January last year, after the terrorist attacks in Paris and not managing to do anything to prevent subsequent terrorist attacks in France.

Unfortunately Francois Hollande could be with us tonight, whereas hundreds of others in France cannot because they have been killed of seriously injured since ‘Charlie Hebdo’ in January last year, so we had no intention of inviting him either.

The award for best newcomer goes to Theresa May, Britain’s new Prime Minister, for making sure Britain leaves Europe very far behind.

Unfortunately Theresa May probably could have been here tonight, but we haven’t invited anyone else, so why the hell should we make an exception for her?

Finally, the award for best director goes to Donald Trump for helping direct the western world towards dealing with all these bloodsucking terrorists, whereas, for the sake of balance, Hillary Clinton seems to be more keen on carrying on where Barack Obama left off by doing nothing very helpful.

Unfortunately Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton probably could have been here tonight, but, bearing in mind the way the Presidential Debates are going, we thought it best to leave them to it.

Following the end of tonight’s ‘2nd Annual Terrorist Video Awards’ a truck was driven through the theatre and the master of ceremonies had his through slit live on the internet, before the theatre was blown up.

And that is the end of the ‘2nd Annual Terrorist Video Awards.’

It’s time for us to go now. Say goodnight to all the nice people around the world, but only the nice ones.

O.K, goodnight folks.  See you next Tuesday.


Hi, I’m Apple…

…and I’m Ginger.

This week we want to tell you a chronicle.

In July 1976 we landed a probe on Mars for the first time.  Remember seeing those pictures live, from another planet, with clouds like Earth and a sky like Earth?  We do.

Then the naysayers started saying they were right that there was no life on Mars.  Others pointed out that the probe could only scan in the immediate area and a manned mission could do so much more.  On the whole the naysayers won the day, but it could’ve been so much different.

These were the same naysayers that said the Moon wasn’t worth the trip in 1969 and caused the Apollo Moon landings to be cancelled in 1972.

We were always meant to keep going out into the unknown, making it home, taming the land and getting closer as a planet as we did.  It’s the pioneering spirit that built America, that tamed the West and Alaska.  After 1972 we stopped travelling outwards and sent robots instead.  As a planet we started looking inwards, leading to wars over oil and land and religion.

Enter Project Bradbury, to study ancient sites on this planet, to understand the people who built them, who they were, what they believed, how they lived and how they died out and whether their spirits remain with us as part of the fabric of nature, one with their creator.  If we learn enough about our own planet’s past we will be better informed if we meet life from elsewhere.

Is there life out there?  Almost certainly. Life as we know it?  We are made in our creator’s image and the universe only had one creator.  Perhaps they left Mars long ago, settled here and live among us.  If you stare into a stranger’s face, it might be the face of an Angel, or it might be the face of a Martian, or maybe they amount to the same thing.  Who knows?

In June 2001 Spender joined Project Bradbury.  He became dismayed at how holy sights and ancient cities were turned into tourist attractions, to walk over the graves of a lost civilisation.  One day he went up into the hills and came back a week later saying that he had met and spoken to the spirits of this civilisation and they had shown him how they lived and that he had seen their world through their eyes.  Were they ghosts from the past or was Spender a ghost from their future?  Who knows?  Does it matter?

Spender came to stay in our lovely little village of Upton Went.  He said it reminded him of Green Bluff, Illinois, where a colleague had grown up.  Here we celebrate the joy of being.  Life is its’ own reward.  that is our lovely little village of Upton Went.

Spender was right.  People came to these holy sites, some because they were afraid and some because they weren’t afraid, some with big dreams, some with small dreams and some with no dreams at all, but they did come and what happens to history when they do?

Wilder was the head of Project Bradbury since January 1999.  He was there when Spender disappeared.  He oversaw the colonisation of these sights and by 2004 the landscape was changing and by 2006 many businesses had come to exploit these areas of unspoilt land.  He always remembered what Spender said and did and finally, in March 2007, he went to see his friend, Sam, who ran a diner near one of these sights and he told him how he felt.

Sam said “You’re beginning to sound like Spender and Wilder said “I understand Spender.”

Feeling inspired, Wilder went home and told his family they were going on a camping holiday and he would show them the people who had once graced this planet, maybe from Earth, maybe Mars.

He brought them to the hills just outside our lovely little village of Upton Went.  They chose a place to stay and they asked whether the Martians were there and he told them “they’re here.”

One night he took them to the lake and told them they were going to meet the Martians.  They asked “where are they?”  He told them “they’re here.”  Finally he stopped by the lake, knelt down, pointed to the water and said “There.  Those are the Martians” and they saw their smiling faced reflected in the water.

All those ancient civilisations on this planet that belong to the ages.  We are them today and they are us and if this planet was visited in the past then we are them today also and they are us.  The universe is one.  Why are there still wars?  Why does religion divide, instead of uniting this world?

That’s why our lovely little village of Upton Went is so special.  It’s a unique place.  Remember, life is its’ own reward.  We week nothing more.

We’ve discovered something special here in our lovely little village of Upton Went. Spender has joined us.  Wilder has joined us.  We’re very glad you’ve joined us too.  We’ll see you again next week.  It’s time to say goodnight, my friend.

O.K, goodnight folks.  Se you next Tuesday.



Hi, I’m Apple…

…and I’m Ginger.

Memba This was telling us of the morning she came into the Dead Bookshop and found she could only just open the door.

The shop floor was full of wooden pallets with copies of a hymn book ordered by a local church, called ‘Mission Praise.’

She said “who’s the ‘Mission Praise fan?,” at which point the manager ran upstairs to his office in tears and locked himself in!”

It was explained that a slight error had been made by a junior member of staff, soon to be an ex-member of staff.

When you order from the publishers, you quote the International Standard Book Number, not the title.

There is one number for single copies.

And there is a different number for packs of 20.

The customer wanted 60 copies.

Guess what number was quoted over the phone.

At 8.30 a juggernaut arrived outside the shop.

The manager signed for the order and then the order just kept on coming, like the brush with the buckets of water in ‘The Sorcerer’s Apprentice.’

When the manager said that “surely there must be a mistake” the delivery man said “probably.”

When the manager said that “surely you can take them all back” he said “I can’t do that, you’ve signed for them.  I can’t take them back without a return slip.”

He didn’t have any return slips on him because he was a delivery man, not a pick-up-again-because-someone’s-made-a-mistake-man.

Eventually they coaxed the manager out of his office, took the noose off his head, helped him off the chair, dried his tears and gave him a really hot cuppa tea.

He kept on babbling something about being ruined.

He kept on trying to work out ways of selling copies of ‘Mission Praise’ on special offer.

Eventually the mood started to get more relaxed and the manager started to see that there was life after ‘Mission Praise.’

When the postman came with a parcel, they persuaded him to unpack it to take his mind off all the copies of ‘Mission Praise’ on the shop floor.

As a tear of joy dripped on to the parcel he opened it like someone who has won the last round of pass-the-parcel.

Inside was another pack of ‘Mission Praise’ and a delivery note saying “order incomplete.”

He instantly ran back upstairs again and locked himself in his office.

They knew he was in no danger of hanging himself because they’d confiscated his noose.

However, there was a rumour he kept a revolver in hi office drawer, in case his ex-wife called.

When they heard what sounded like his desk drawer opening they all ran upstairs, burst through the locked door and found him about to take an overdose.

But, as the only tablets he had in his office desk were laxatives, they didn’t think his life was in immediate danger.

Anyway, Memba This got on the phone and rang the publishers.

They put her through to the member of staff who took the order.

He was on commission and had apparently told them where they could stick their lousy job and was about to live off the commission for quite some time.

It was with quite some sadness that they had to tell him he’d have to return the Porche, both of them and cancel the holiday in Tenerife because the order was a mistake and they were all coming back.

You could hear him sniffing and sobbing down the phone.

And that was the story of the invasion of the ‘Mission Praise’ hymn books.

We’ll have more from Memba This next time, when we’ll be telling you some of the naughtier stories from the Dead Bookshop.

Until then, it’s time to say goodnight to all the nice people around the world.

O.K. goodnight folks.  See you next Tuesday.