Hi, I’m Apple…

…and I’m Ginger.

And Botox Betty has told us she’s fed up with “gobby women giving the rest of us a bad name.”

She feels that many women, including herself, are not being treated as women because of “gobby women in British and American politics, acting awards ceremonies and socially.”

“They’ve frightened men off, who used to be charming and loving and thoughtful and knew how to treat a woman, while they’ve made those who don’t know how to treat a woman even more entrenched than before.”

“They have taken away my right to be treated as a woman and replaced it with a forced, uncomfortable and ugly social war!”

“And they will lose.  there might as well not be an International Women’s Day because there are 364 International Men’s Days and an extra one in leap years.”

“I do not thank Hillary Clinton for making this war a reality, nor actresses who want to be called ‘actors,’ but still remain hypocrites who accept Best Actress Oscars, that wipe out 50% of the male opposition, nor tennis players, who want equal pay, but won’t accept equal play of 5 sets, not 3, nor stirring-up female lawyers, looking for a man in politics or the media, whose life and career to destroy with unproven accusations.”

“The hypocrisy is also behind every man they malign they destroy in the process.  I suppose they treat them as collateral damage.”

“Daily they snipe at Donald Trump, without giving a damn about his wife, his daughter, his family in general.”

“If they don’t stop this hypocritical backbiting our countries will only be brought together by another 9/11 no-one saw coming because they were too busy bitching about what some politician said about women before the first 9/11.”

“Already Bin Liner, Jr. is getting ready to avenge the death of his father.  They don’t have any problems with feminist troublemakers.  It’s time we didn’t either and focused on the bigger picture and the greater good, before another 3,000 lives are lost in 102 minutes!”

“They remind me, these hypocritical women, of my schooldays.

“There were the popular girls, who got plenty of dates and never got bullied by other girls.”

“And there were the unpopular girls, who never got a date and got bullied by other girls and you could always see them huddled in a corner of the playground, united in their bitterness.  There they always were, getting more bitter and more twisted by the day.”

“These were the girls who always came to the school dance and sat there, like wallflowers and if a boy asked them to dance, they’d refuse, just to get the pleasure of seeing the look of rejection in his face.”

“If he was a painfully shy boy their rejection was even more satisfying.  I used to think to myself ‘What sort of mother have you got, to make you so rude?’  So, I say this very strongly, ‘IF YOU WANT GENDER EQUALITY, DON’T TRY TO FORCE IT IN YOUR OWN GENERATION.  BRING YOUR DAUGHTERS UP TO BE KIND TO BOYS AND WHEN THOSE BOYS BECOME MEN, YOU WILL NOTICE THE DIFFERENCE BECAUSE THEY REMEMBER THE KINDNESS, NOT THE BITTERNESS!”

“I am a woman and bloody proud of it, but I am also bloody proud of my man and men in general.”

“We are not opposing sexes, engaged in perpetual point-scoring.”

“We are complimentary sexes.”

“And one compliment usually elicits another.

“That is my main point, however, I was also embarrassed to see Democrats in white at the State of the Union address and I feel it’s unfair to show off in peacock displays of feminist color in the House of Representatives, the Senate and the Houses of Parliament.”

“Men have a dress code.”

“They are expected to wear a suit and tie in a subdued color all the year round.  Women seem to think this doesn’t include them and dress according to the weather in any color.  We need to address this inequality.  We need a dress code for women too!”

“No cleavage.”

“No legs visible.”

“No bright colors.”

“It pushes up the blood pressure of the older men, it distracts the younger men and it makes the gay men jealous!”

“I mean, even the Scottish don’t turn up in kilts!”

And with that eye-catching thought, we thank Botox Betty for her report.  It’s time for us to go now, but be here next week and every week.  It wouldn’t be the same without you.

Say goodnight to all the nice people around the world.

OK, goodnight folks, See you next Tuesday.