Hello folks, sorry we’re late but one of our lovely creators was ill on Tuesday and unable to help us contact you all.  But we’re here now. so please read our message to you.  Food for thought!

Hi, I’m Apple…

…and I’m Ginger.

And on the 1st of this month the Royal Air Force celebrated its’ centennial.

Happy birthday, RAF.

For a century now, many have wondered how it came to be that the RAF…

…the First of the Few…

…who won the Battle of Britain by no falls and one submission…

…should come into existence on such a date as…

…April 1st.

Well, now the story can be told.

The date was dependent on when sufficient air fuel would be made available…

…in order to make all squadrons simultaneously operational on the same day.

The Air Ministry promised this would be accomplished by the end of March.

Pilots and aircrew laughed at this and thought it impossible at such short notice.

However, they were proved wrong when sufficient air fuel was delivered late on March 31st.

On the morning of April 1st all the senior officers were running around…

…with smug, silly expressions on their smug, silly old faces…

…shouting “April Fuel.”

And so a tradition was created!

Since April 1st 1918 the tradition has continued all over the world.

But only until 12 noon because that’s lunchtime!

Meanwhile, the RAF has been invited by the government of the day to a number of parties.

More famously was the invitation from Adolf Hitler to come and play tag off the coast of Dover in 1940.

Further invitations came from Hitler to come to various parties in France, North Africa, Malta and many other parties across the world from 1939 to 1945.

Finally, there came an invitation to Hitler’s “Shooting Myself and Retiring Party” in Berlin in 1945.

Then Joe Stalin invited the RAF to come to the Berlin Airlift party in 1948.

Then the Communists invited the RAF to come to a party in Korea, a war so cunningly described as a police action, from 1950 to 1953.

Then the Mao Maos’ invited the RAF to play hide and seek in the jungles of Malaysia until 1960.

Then there were the Wilderness Years, when the only parties the RAF got invited to were waving to the United States Air Force over East Anglia and not waving to Russian bombers testing air defenses.

Then there was the party in the Falkland Islands in 1982.

No-one knew where the Falklands were, but they were British, so the Argentinians had to be told to leave, which they did.

Since 2001 there has been the party in Afghanistan and since 2003 the party in Iraq.

The latter very much a sequel to the Gulf War to free Kuwait from Iraq in 1991.

I wonder where the next party will be?

Considering how the British government are breaking off all diplomatic negotiations with Russia, perhaps the RAF should start learning Russian!

Playing “Kuritsa,” or chicken, with Russia is stupid.

It is “drak,” or stupid, to follow this path to war.

I say “niet” to war with Russia.  The real threat comes from terrorists, however, no such drastic action has been taken since 9/11.  I wonder why?  Whereas most safely practice their religion, some do not and those must be stopped from killing.  I think the British government are afraid to act against Arab countries because of political correctness.  It means going to war over a tiny minority, who pervert their religion by hate.  They don’t want to go to war over religion, except it’s clear terrorists have a warped view of what their religion is telling them.  The British government deny what is real.  The brainwashing of terrorists must stop.  Now!

And then they go to war with Russia because it’s easier, because there are no religious differences, both are Christian countries and it’s easier than being friends with Russia.

If it does come to war, let it be remembered that the Russian Orthodox Church and the Church of England will both be praying to the same God for victory.

“When all are talking peace, look up!”

Well see you again next week, until then, say goodnight to all the nice people around the world.

O.K., goodnight folks.  See you next Tuesday.