Hi, I’m Apple…

…and I’m Ginger.

And we had a daft conversation the other day.

Yes, I was introducing Apple to the joys of ‘Taxi.’

I’d never seen it before.

After about half a dozen episodes Apple said “who’s that?” about one of the regular cast members and when I found which one I said “Tony Danza.”

“He was in ‘Happy Days’ before.”

“No, he wasn’t.”

“Tony Danza was definitely in ‘Happy Days.’ ”

“Playing who?”

“Fonzie’s nephew.”

“Tony Danza wasn’t Fonzie’s anything.”

“He was.”

“How can Tony Danza be Fonzie’s nephew when he’s the same age.”

“But ‘Happy Days’ was made before ‘Taxi.’ ”

“They were both made at the same time.”

“But ‘Happy Days’ was set earlier.”

“If you want the years, ‘Taxi’ ran from 1978 to 1983 and ‘Happy Days’ ran from 1974 to 1984.”

“No, ‘Happy Days’ was ’50s & ’60s.”

“No, ‘Happy Days’ was only set in the ’50s & ’60s.  It wasn’t made in the ’50s & ’60s.

“But Tony Danza was still in ‘Happy Days.’ ”

“No, he wasn’t.”

“He was Chacchi, Fonzie’s nephew.”

“That was Scott Baio.”

“Are you sure?”

“I am.”

“Show me.”

And I showed Apple the cast list of both ‘Taxi’ and ‘Happy Days’  in a reference book.

“Well, I still know Tony Danza from something else.”

“Like what?”

“Dunno.  What else has Tony Danza been in?”

” ‘Angels in the Outfield’ in 1994.  Marvellous baseball film.  Christopher Lloyd was in that too as the chief angel.”

“That’s a film.”

“Well done, it is.”

“What else has Tony Danza been in on television?”

“He was in ‘Who’s the Boss?’ ”

“What was he in before ‘Who’s the Boss?’ ”

“Taxi!’ ”

“What was he in before ‘Taxi?’ ”


“He must’ve been in something.”


“Was he something else, instead of acting?”


Perhaps that’s where I know him from.”

“He was a boxer.”

“Was he?”

“He was.”

“I don’t know him as a boxer.”


“I must be thinking of Scott Baio.”

“I think so.”

It’s a good job I didn’t ask what else Scott Baio had been in.

Please don’t.


Because it’s time to say goodnight to all the nice people around the world, including Tony Danza, Scott Baio and Christopher Lloyd.

O.K, goodnight folks.  See you next Tuesday.



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