Hello folks. Here we are again for Christmas.  Three episodes for you, so, scroll down for today’s episode, then scroll up for our Christmas Special and scroll up again for our New Year Special.

Back to normal on Tuesday January 8th 2019.

Happy Times and Places!

P.S. – We love you all!


January 1st 2019


Hi, I’m Apple…

…and I’m Ginger.

Happy New Year!

Let’s look at some significant dates and anniversaries to look out for in 2019.

A lot of important events take place in the final year of a decade.

This year is the centennial of the Treaty of Versailles being signed.  Remember, November 11th 1918 was only the Armistice.  The Treaty of Versailles was the event that formally marked the end of the Great War.  In fact, many commemorative statues give the years 1914 to 1919.  the Treaty of Versailles was signed by the Social Democrats, after a revolution in Germany during 1918.  Corporal A. Hitler never forgave them for giving so much of Germany’s land away.  Fast-forward 20 years.  this year is also the 80th anniversary of the start of World War II – The Sequel!

If you thought the last decade was hard financially, remember that 2019 is the 90th anniversary of the Wall Street Crash.  Have stock markets really learnt anything in 90 years?

This year is also the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings, where we saved Ryan’s privates!

This year also marks China going communist 70 years ago.  It also marks the 70th anniversary of the ‘Yangtse Incident,’ when a British warship was blockaded.  China seems more open 70 years on, but remains mistrusted in the west!

Another revolution happened a decade later.  In 1959 Fidel Castro came to power in Cuba.  Many had a counter-revolution and went to live in Florida.  Now, 60 years on, Cuba seems a different place, after Obama made friends and Fidel Castro passed power on to his brother.

A very important anniversary occurs on July 20th 2019.  It will be the 50th anniversary of the First Man on the Moon.  Neil Armstrong is now amongst the stars 50 years on, but the missions of Apollo XI in 1969 to Apollo XVII in 1972 represent a very important statement.  Before people thought their smartphones were the most important things in the universe, we went to the Moon!  If you’re too young to remember, boy, did you luck out!

On Christmas Day 1978 Vietnam invaded Cambodia to depose Pol Pot and so 2019 marks the end of the Killing Fields of the Kmer Rouge, or Red Army, 40 years on the and the end of Year Zero.  Since 1973 madness had descended on Cambodia, at the end of the Vietnam War.  Ironically, it was Vietnam that got rid of the communists in Cambodia.  Although Year Zero is over 40 years on, a phrase that was to be heard in 1979 is still with us today.  Boat people!

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.  Germany was reunified in 1990 and the Soviet Union fell in 1991.  What happened next may have made a certain Vladimir Putin, then in the Silent Wasp, otherwise known as the Cagey Bee, feel like a certain Corporal A. Hitler felt in 1919 because Russia lost East Germany, a reunified Germany became far too dominant in the European Union and the European Union went on a land grab, taking all eastern European states away from Russia.  The European Union may be paying the price for that land grab already!

This year is also the 25th anniversary of Nelson Mandela becoming President of South Africa in 1994.  A quarter of a century on, are South Africans really any better off?

In 1999 Bill Clinton was indicted and 20 years on the Democrats are still kicking and screaming about it.  Remember the debacle of the Kavanaugh case last October!  Also 20 years ago, on New Year’s Eve 1999 Boris Yeltsin dropped a bombshell.  He would resign at midnight, 9pm  Greenwich Mean Time, so his named successor, Vladimir Putin, could replace him from Midnight on New Year’s Day 2000.  Russia was back!  Love ’em or hate’em, you can’t keep a former superpower down!

A decade ago Obama was inaugurated as President.  This has proved a blessing and a curse.  African-Americans and women may have been left with unrealistic expectations by him.

And so to 2019.  We have shown that the last year of a decade has shaped the decades ahead for over a century. The twenty-teens are no different.  March 19th 2019 will see Brexit!

How will this shape the 2020s?  Could Russia take back the eastern states from the European Union, following the Ukraine and Crimea this decade?  Will the European Union implode, just like the Soviet Union before it?  Will the New Great Britain form a new empire through the Commonwealth, let by the monarchy and a newly independent government?  Will Korea be reunified, like Germany before it?

Who knows?  Shakespeare called the future “the undiscovered country,” so you’ll have to wait and see.  I promise you one thing.  It’ll be the trip of a lifetime!

Happy Times and Places.

Join us on the journey next week and every week.  It wouldn’t be the same without you faithful companions along for the ride.

Say goodnight to all the nice people around the world.

OK., goodnight folks.  See you next Tuesday on January 8th 2019.



December 25th 2018


Hi, I’m Apple…

…and I’m Ginger.

And condements of the season.

Not to much salt and hold the mustard, or you might end up a sadsack  underneath the mistletoe.Now, last night we were all enjoying Christmas Eve with Miserable Les at the ‘Silly Cow’ and the conversation between Miserable Les and his wife went like this:-

“This Christmas is special.  It’s our last European Christmas.  Next Christmas will be our first proper British Christmas since 1972.”

“But Les, we’re leaving the EU, not Europe itself.  Continental Europe’s still going to be there.  It’s not going to disappear off to somewhere off the Sargasso Sea.”

“Wouldn’t bother me if it did.  Remember the Metric Martyrs!  Market traders imprisoned for not going metric.  That was a diabolical liberty.  The EU owe us an apology for that!  I’mean, the NFL says ‘it’s a game of inches.’ Well, it won’t be if the EU gets its grubby little hands on it.”

“Yes, that metric business was wrong.

“Exactly, I mean the British invented imperial measures.  That’s why they’re called ‘imperial.’ ”

“Actually, Les, the British got them from Arabic countries.  Britain was still using Latin from the Romans.”

“Well, the British made more out of the imperial measurements, anyway.  That’s why I’m looking forward to a Great British Christmas next year.”

“What’s so British about Christmas?”

“Well, there’s yer Church of England, isn’t there?”

“The Church of England was invented by Henry VIII in the 16th century because the Pope wouldn’t give him a divorce.”

“Well, the Church of England’s got yer Nativity.  Now that’s as British as they come.”

“The Nativity takes place in Bethlehem, that’s in Israel.”

“Well, they don’t have Christmas trees in Israel because Christmas trees are a British invention.”

“Actually, it was introduced by Prince Albert, who was German.”

“But he was married to Queen Victoria and it was a British tree.”

“Actually, it was a gift from the King of Norway and everyone copied the tradition.”

“Well, Christianity is British.”

“Actually, Christianity started in the Holy Land in the 1st century, spread across the Roman Empire about 400 years later, as the Emperor recognised Christianity as the dominant religion, the Holy Roman empire became the Roman Catholic church and the Church of England was invented by Henry VIII to get a divorce, which he granted himself, as head of the Church of England because the Pope refused.”

“Well, of course Christianity started with Jesus Christ because he gave his name to it.  Jesus was the first Christian.”

“Actually, he was Jewish.”

“Yes, but when the Jews didn’t want him he came the first Christian and gave us our great British Bible.”

“Actually, the Bible was written in Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic.”

“But the Bible’s in English.”

“Yes, it was translated into English by William Tyndale in the 16th century, who was persecuted by so-called ‘Christian’ Catholics, during the reign of Elizabeth I and only became English under the reign of James I in 1607, using most of William Tyndale’s rather superior translation.”

“But James I was English.”

“Actually, he was Scottish, where he was known as James VI and became King of England because Elizabeth I named no successor.”

“Well, Jesus speaks English on television.”

“That’s because they’re English-speaking films.”

“Robert Powell played him in ‘Jesus of Nazareth’ in 1977.  There are lots of different Jesuses.”

And the Reverend Archie Farcnad overheard and said “There is only one Christ, only one Saviour, only one way into the Kingdom of Heaven.”

And that was that!

Have a thoughtful Christmas.  We’ll be back on New Year’s Day.

Say goodnight to all the nice people around the world.

OK, goodnight folks.  See you next Tuesday.



December 18th 2018


Hi, I’m Apple…

…and I’m Ginger.

This week we want to pay tribute to the satirical wit of Alan Abel, born in Zanesville, Ohio in 1924.

In the late ’50s Alan Abel was a jazz drummer and was driving through Texas one day and found the highway blocked by a bull and cow mating.

While the bull and cow were mating, drivers were waiting and the horrified expressions on their faces gave him an idea.

He founded the spoof ‘Society for Indecency to Naked Animals,’ which campaigned to “clothe all naked animals that appear in public, namely horses, cows, dogs and cats, including any animal that stands higher than 4 inches or is longer than 6 inches.”

He hired an actor friend to play the earnest president of the society, G. Clifford Prout.

He invented slogans, such as “A Nude Horse Is a Rude Horse” and “Decency Today Means Morality Tomorrow.”

He air-dropped clothes into fields of cows, added shorts to the Greyhound Bus logo and staged a demonstration outside the White House in the early ’60s to urge Jackie Kennedy to cover up her horse’s private parts.

G. Clifford Prout appeared on ‘The tonight Show’ with Johnny Carson and was interviewed by Walter Cronkite on the ‘CBS Evening News.’

Branches sprang up everywhere before Alan Abel exposed his own hoax, explaining it had all been “to give people a kick up the intellect” and to make them laugh in serious times.”

Thus began a career making the hoax an art form, that fed on the gullibility of journalists, desperate for an exclusive scoop, the credulity of the public and his country’s constant moral carping.

When white supremacist David Duke was running for Governor of Louisiana in 1991 Alan Abel invented the ‘Ku Klux Klan Symphony Orchestra’ to promote a “kinder, gentler “image of David duke’s supporters.  He paid musician friends to record ‘The William Tell Overture’ off-key, then sent the recording to radio stations, saying David Duke had been the guest conductor.

In 1993, amidst controversy provoked by Jack Kevorkian’s advocacy of a right to die, he invented a company in Florida called “Euthanasia Cruises” that offered “one-way voyages for those who wanted to expire in luxury.”

In 2006 he posed as Texas businessman Irwin Leba and proposed replacing income tax with a National Fat Tax, whereby citizens would pay 5 dollars for every pound they weighed.  He used the slogan “The More You Weigh the More You Pay.”

Alan Abel got some of his wit from his Lithuania-Jewish father, who owned a shop and put a sign saying “Limit – Only Two To a Customer” in front of anything that wouldn’t sell.  They’d all be gone by the end of the day!

Posing as a professional golfer, Alan Abel taught executives from Westinghouse how to us ballet positions to improve their game.

He invented Yetta Bernstein, a Jewish grandmother from the Bronx, who ran in the 1964 presidential election, with the slogan “Vote for Yetta and Things Will Get Betta.”  She never appeared in person, but his wife impersonated her in countless radio and television interviews, campaigning for “national bingo tournaments and a truth serum in congressional drinking fountains.”

When Idi Amin was exiled from Uganda in 1979, he noticed a lookalike on the New York subway.  He hired the man, some actor friends and a penthouse suite at the Plaza Hotel and staged Idi Amin’s wedding to a young white woman from Long Island.  Even the FBI were fooled into turning up for that one.

He hired an actress to play a young cosmetologist, who had won the New York State lottery and staged a lavish party at the Omni Park Plaza Hotel, threw dollar bills from the windows and faxed invitations to the media.  Totally taken in, the headline in the following day’s ‘New York Post’ was “35 Million Dollars and She’s Single!”

He founded ‘Females for Felons’ which campaigned for sex visits for prisoners.

He founded ‘Concerned Colourblind Citizens’ which protested against the use of colours to designate the security threat level to the United States.

And he wrote books, such as ‘Is There Sex After Death?’  This asked the question “Is it dangerous to masterbate under an electric blanket?” and pondered “Will the sex organs wear out from too much use?”

Alan Abel joins us in our lovely little village of Upton Went, as part of ‘the Greatest Show Not On Earth,’ the entrance of which is a time and space portal, where all time and space are one, outwardly appearing as a full size replica of the Crystal Palace from the Great Exhibition of 1851.  It’s where everyone goes, if they’ve been nice!

Time for us to go now.  We’ll be back with our Christmas Special on Christmas Day and New Year Special on New Year’s Day.

See you next Tuesday and have a very happy Christmas and New Year.  Happy times and Places.

OK, goodnight folks.  See you next Tuesday.


Hello everyone!  Today we are bringing to you 2 ‘Apple & Ginger Roadshows.’  Remember, first scroll down for today’s the l9th December,  and then come back up for the 26th December (no peeking now!).  We wish all you nice folks a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and look forward to telling you lots and lots of interesting tales in 2018.

December 26th 2017

Hi, I-m Apple…

…and I’m Ginger.

And Merry Christmas to all the nice people around the world.

Just before Christmas we were chatting to Michael Caine.

Not many people know that.

And he’s got a Christmas message for you.

“Do you know it takes a man, in a tweed suit, 3.6 seconds to fall, from a 10 storey building, to the grand.  Now there’s not many people know that.”

Let’s learn 3 new words for Christmas.

First new word.

A ‘Mathlete’ is someone who competes in mathematical competitions.

Second new word.

A ‘Mouseburger’ is a plain and untalented woman and the word originates from the novel ‘Sex & the Single Woman’ written in 1982.

Third new word.

‘Nobophobia’ is the fear of being separated from your mobile phone, so if you hate people using mobile phones at restaurants, cinemas and theatres, you’re not alone and you’re nobophobicphobic.

There were some interesting Christmas presents in our lovely little village of Upton Went.

Miserable Les asked his wife what she wanted for Christmas and she said “the biggest box of Ferrari Rockets.”

And he said “it’s yours, for being such a marvelous wife.”

And it was too!

Botox Betty had a new voice.

It was sent to her on voicemail.

She wasn’t satisfied with it.  She felt it didn’t fit in all the right places, like dinner parties and social functions.

She asked us “does my bum look too big in this voice?”

We told her it didn’t, but she still felt self-conscious about it.

But that’s Botox Betty.  She wouldn’t be happy if she wasn’t self-conscious about something.

Meanwhile, there were a couple of disasters in the awful village of Upton Fled.

One person had an Australian bow and arrow.  He soon found out that, like boomerangs, Australian arrows come back.

The funeral’s on the 29th!

And another person had a North Korean boomerang, which didn’t come back.

It eventually landed in the Sea of Japan!

Lastly, let me tell you a story for Christmas.

And me!

A New Yorker from a Jewish family dreamt of joining the Merchant Navy.

So when he woke up, he did!

One Christmas he was on shore leave with his shipmates and passed out in a bar in Singapore, which was odd because they were in Hong Kong.

As is the tradition in the Navy, his shipmates decided to pay for him to have a tattoo.

So they went to the nearest tattoo artist and when he came round he had ‘Merry Christmas’ tattooed on his arm, together with a lovely Christmas scene.

And from that day forward he was known on board ship as ‘The Man With the Honiker Moniker!

And it’s time for us to go now.

We’ll see on on January 2nd for the start of our 6th season with ‘The Greatest Show Not on Earth.’

That’s in ‘Apple & Ginger’s Roadshow’ on January 2nd.

Be there!

Have a safe New Year’s Eve and we’ll see you then.

Say goodnight to all the nice people around the world.

OK, goodnight folks.  See you on Tuesday January 2nd and every Tuesday.


December 19th 2017

Hi, I’m Apple…

…and I’m Ginger.

And in this season where you are ordered , on pain of death, by watching ‘The Sound of Music’ a thousand times, to be jolly, we bring you a darkly satirical tale from The Ghost of Royal Weddings Past, otherwise known as the Fortune Teller.

For Christmas we present ‘No Room At the Palace.’

In the ancient city of Londinium in the Kingdom of the Britons and the Aengelish, a prince announced his engagement.

The following day it came to pass that a message was sent saying “As you have decided to become engaged to be married, you are now required to attend a security briefing “followed by a date, a time and a room number in Whitehall.”

And on the annointed hour the prince did present himself forthwith and with forth and was met by a man in a grey suit in a room that was empty, except for a table, 2 chairs and a one-way mirror.

And then the conversation went something like this.

“Come in.  Do sit.  My name is E.L. Faust, El Faustino to my friends, of whom I have many.  To you I am the Ghost of Royal Weddings Past and I have called you here today to tell your fortune and then leave you to make a free and fair decision, based on the information in this classified, top secret, security briefing.”

“Are you Special Branch?”

“You insult me.  Special Branch are merely Woodentops with shiny badges, unworthy to lick my boots.  I am also not SAS, as they have more important things to do and can’t leave a war after a few pictures for the news, like certain others I could mention.  I am also not exactly SIS.  I am all around you.  I am the Machine, that oils the cogs.  I am the Machine, that looks after the greater good.  I am the Machine, that causes planes to crash, yachts to blow up and chauffeur-driven limousines to crash in tunnels.  I can be your worst nightmare and I can be your bestest friend in the whole world,  the choice is all yours.”

“What has this got to do with my engagement?”

“That depends entirely on you.  If you can see the faultline and avoid the earthquake, then you can answer that question for yourself already.  On the other hand, if you can’t correct your course to avoid the iceberg, it will, regrettably, be necessary to correct it myself, for the greater good.”

“Is this because she’s American?”

“Of course not.  The United States is our ally.  Who do you think trained the CIA after the war?  Winston Churchill was half-American, but not the half that won the war.  We have nothing against any American.  The trouble is, neither have you.  We support President Trump more than many Americans and many of your subjects.”

Is this because she’s a woman?”

“Now, that we could fix.  If you said you were gay we could get that through, somehow.  Plenty of precedent.  More than you might think, of both sexes.”

“Is this because she’s divorced?”

“We’re all divorced.  Some are divorced from reality.  Others are divorced from corruption, through careful vetting of one’s ancestry for over a thousand years.  It’s called the establishment and those of the establishment are an incestuous people, broadly speaking.  Even Her Majesty and her Consort are distant cousins.  That is the establishment.  That is what makes an Empire, now renamed the Commonwealth.  This is what gives us power that would set us up above the gods.”

“Is this because she’s black?”



“My dear chap, colour doesn’t need to have anything to do with it.  Remember the Queen of Tonga at the coronation in 1953?  There was talk of a king’s wife being called something like Charlotte Strangely-Brown, but it was all just heresay.  Take it from me, regardless of race or colour, royal is royal.  Christ was BORN KING of the Jews!”

“Then what is this all about?”

“Well, I’ll leave you to think about that because there’s at least one qualification you haven’t queried.  At the end of the day, you can marry whoever you like and no-one can say otherwise, but you can’t always remain royal afterwards.  It all depends, but I’d say to you ‘If you want to do this damn silly thing, don’t do it in this damn silly way.’  If you still want a reason for this briefing, I’ll give it to you.”

“Please do.”

“No-one likes a smart-arse.  Good day to you.  I’m sure you can find your own way out.”

And that was our Christmas Carol, our festive fable, our ghost story for Christmas.  Have a very merry Christmas, all nice people around the world.

Merry Christmas, folks.  See you next Tuesday.


Hi, I’m Apple…

…and I’m Ginger.

And Christmas is nearly upon us.

Yes, there are only 12 shoplifting days to Christmas.

Before we start, here is a message for all turkeys.


An escape route has been set up for refugee turkeys, hoping to escape the Christmas slaughter.

This escape route is set up by ‘Veterans of Thanksgiving.’

Any turkey requiring assistance should phone 555-PAXO.

That’s  555- PAXO.

Good luck!

Of course, this is a Christmas taking place in the shadow of a momentous announcement from President Trump, recognising Jerusalem as “the eternal capital of Israel.”

It comes at the end of the centennial of the Balfour Declaration, establishing Palestine in 1917 and on the eve of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the State of Israel in 1948.

I’ve read one political commentator say that “the Palestinians learnt that by saying ‘no’ at every middle east peace conference, the West came back with a bigger deal.  Now they have learnt that by saying ‘no’ they get nothing and every time an offer is on the table in future, it may well be less and less.”

Talks can, theoretically, take place with Israel, but Palestinians will have to accept 3 things before any talks can begin.

1) They must recognise the sovereign right of the State of Israel to exist.

2)  They must recognise all of Jerusalem as the capital  of Israel.

3)  Whenever a possible Palestine might be, it will never include what they refer to as “East Jerusalem” as its capital.

Not even Ricardo Montalban on “Fantasy Island” could give Palestinians that fantasy!

Also, if Palestinians use mindless violence instead of diplomacy, Israel could easily ban them from the holy site of the Temple on the Mount.

And if that ban went on long enough, Israel would easily decide the mosque occupying the Temple Mount site is redundant and not in use and demolish it.

And then Israel could begin construction on a 3rd Temple, the ruins of the 1st two being beneath the Temple Mount site.

And then Jews the world over could and would celebrate each Jewish festival in the 3rd Temple in Jerusalem.

It would be a Jewish mecca, no pun intended!

In other words, Palestinians and muslims the world over have to cool it and put down their weapons, out of use and enter into polite diplomatic negotiations.  Otherwise there’s “No Room At the Inn!”

This is the lesson the IRA had to learn in the ’90s.  They had been fighting for a united Ireland against the English for decades.  It got them nowhere.

Until they agreed to lay down their arms and put them out of use, accepted Northern Ireland was British, accepted a united Ireland was not possible and accepted the Norther Irish Unionists and Britain’s government as friends, they achieved absolutely nothing, except international condemnation.

A few Irish-Americans in Boston accepted!

In 1998 a power-sharing government was set up between Republicans like Sinn Fein and Unionists like the DUP and was a reality.

Sinn Fein never realised that their name, gaelic for ‘Ourselves Alone,’ was now obsolete!

Let me leave you with a thought.  Just before writing this I had a dream, Town by town all inhabitants were being reduced in a lab to single-cell organisms by an unseen, possibly alien, force.  Phase 1 was to get the whole of the population of Earth onto one single microchip.  I wonder what was Phase 2.

That leads us neatly into previewing our Christmas special next week.

It’s a darkly satirical tale entitled “No Room At the Palace” and you can experience it on Tuesday December 19th.  Be there!

In the meantime, we’ll say goodnight to all the nice people around the world.

OK, goodnight folks.  See you next Tuesday.


Hi, I’m Apple…

…and I’m Ginger.

And we’d like to introduce to you this week Brian Maggot, an investigative reporter on the ‘Daily Upton,’ who has his own daily column, ‘The Maggot Patch.’

Don’t let the name deceive you.  Brian Maggot is a good man, otherwise he wouldn’t live in our lovely little village of Upton Went!

But he knows where to dig to uncover the can of worms at the bottom of the simile.

He’s miles better than Michael Prick on  ‘Channel 4 News’ and Esther Ratsnose on ‘That’s Life.’

He makes McGee on ‘The Incredible Hulk’ look like Julie Andrews, before she invented the toilet paper.

“Mr. McGee, don’t make me angry!  You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry!

This is what Brian Maggot had to say about ‘Dr. Who’ one day last week.  It makes very interesting reading indeed.

“In ‘The Maggot Patch’ today we look at ‘Dr. Who,’ or should that be ‘Nurse Who,’ or ‘Miss Who,’ or bloody great ‘Mistake?’

“Peter Capaldi will be emasculated on Christmas Day, as the Doctor turns from a Time Lord into a castrated Time Eunuch, like a randy tomcat!”

“Does this mean that ‘Dr. Who’ will no longer have any balls?  I’m afraid it does, yes!”

“What next?  A male Romana, perhaps, or K9 brought back as a cat.”

“The Daleks will laugh their suction cups off, like the Smash Martians, because there aren’t any female Daleks, or Cybermen, or Sontarans, or Autons, or Ood.”

“Let me use my very own TARDIS and take you back to March 1999.  A spoof ‘Dr. Who’ story is made for ‘Comic Relief.’  In it the 9th Doctor, played by Rowan Atkinson, regenerates into a younger 10th Doctor, played by Richard E. Grant, then an older 11th Doctor, played by Jim Broadbent, then a younger 12th Doctor, played by Hugh Grant and finally into a female 13th Doctor, played by Joanna Lumley, who says to her female companion ‘I’ve got Dalek bumps on my chest and she explains they’re breasts!”

“Who was the author of this singularly unfunny spoof?  None other than Steven Moffat, who has been in charge of ‘Dr. Who’ since 2010!”

“In 2003, when it was announced that ‘Dr. Who’ was coming back with Russell T. Davies in charge, it was very briefly suggested that Judi Dench play a female Doctor, which Russell T. Davies, quite rightly, replied to, saying ‘I’m not doing an ironic version of it.  If it’s not going to be done properly, I’d rather it wasn’t done at all.  Either I do it properly, or I don’t do it at all.”

“And, when it returned on screens in 2005, he did do it properly.  The Doctor was done properly and the TARDIS and the Daleks and the Time Lords and the companions.”

“But I suggest to you, dear reader, that ‘Dr. Who’ finished when Russell T. Davies left in 2009 and what has taken it’s place since is a spoof version, with Moffat playing out the plot of ‘The Curse of the Fatal Death’ from ‘Comic Relief’ in 1999.”

“The joke has been at the fan’s expense and it just became very unfunny.  the last 7 years many couldn’t fathom ‘Dr. Who’ and it only makes sense  if seen as a 7-year piss-take, which has now become a bloody great mistake.”

“Let’s look at the evidence.  In 2010 the Daleks were redesigned in multicolours and with bustles around the back.  In 2011 the Doctor got married and his wife turned out to be the grown-up child of his companion and also the TARDIS became a person.  In 2012 the new companion was introduced as really a Dalek, with mocking dialogue, like making ‘exterminate’ into a recipé for a soufflé, eggs, stirr, minate’ amongst other things.  When properly introduced in 2013 she mockingly referred to the TARDIS on first glance as ‘is this your snog-box?’  In 2014 the Master had become emasculated and the Brigadier became a Cyberman.  In 2015 the Doctor shot a male Time Lord, who regenerated into a woman and said back at last!  In 2017 the gay companion became a Cyberman and then flew off to spend eternity with a puddle.”

“If the above was ‘Red Dwarf’ you’d laugh.  As ‘Dr. Who’ you cringe.  In conclusion, fans are being conned and laughed at.  ‘Dr. Who’ died over Christmas 2009 and has been a spoof comedy version ever since, with only situation-comedy plots, logic and dialogue!  Please don’t allow yourself to be conned any longer!  This is Brian Maggot signing off from ‘The Maggot Patch.’

Excellent stuff and food for thought!  See you anon.

O.K. goodnight folks.  See you next Tuesday.


Hi, I’m Apple…

…and I’m Ginger.

And there’s a quaint little game that plays itself out every December and January in Britain we call Christmas Cliché Charades.

It’s several alleged “news” stories, involves unions, shops and shoppers and is one word with 4 syllables.

First syllable, what comes before hurray.


Yes, second syllable, like rock, but shorter.


Yes, third and fourth syllables, like receipt.



Got it. Hypocriceipt!



It starts on Black Friday.  Britain has taken to hijacking this quaint American form of contact sport and Grec0-Roman Wrestling, but without any of the Thanksgiving, just the No Thanks and the Taking.  No turkey, no parade, just avarice.

“Americans speak out!  The British are belittling Thanksgiving.  Have they learnt nothing since 1776?” I hear you cry.

And you would be right.

Then, in December, come the “news” stories about how well the shops are doing and warning not to get into debt because of Christmas.  The British have just thought up a quaint little phrase for the plebs that the establishment can kick them in the Christmas baubles with,’ jams,’ meaning just about managing.  Makes my blood boil!

Will there still be jam for tea?

Let it not be forgotten that Jesus’ parents were just about managing and he was environmentally disadvantaged, was he?  Left the family carpentry business and founded a new religion.  Very enterprising.

Then the strikes start.  Airlines, airports, trains, London Underground, while London overground just about manage.

Then it’s Happy New Year, but watch out for terrorists.

Then, in January, the National Health Service always claims it can’t cope and it’s having a Winter crisis.  What it’s really doing is pretending to be Uriah Heep and saying “I’m ever so ‘umble” while at the same time acting like Oliver Twist and saying to the government “Can we have some more?”  More money, that is, which goes to prove how schizophrenic the National Health Service is, or should that mean they’re two-faced?

This is reported as “news” by the “crooked media,” as our new President so aptly put it.  More people use it that pay into it.  It’s a bottomless pit, like Dante’s Inferno.  When will a British Prime Minister have the guts to explain this and bring in a form of Medicare?

If the “crooked media” had any guts they’d say “this is what the National Health Service said this year and this is what they said last year and this is what they said the year before and this is what they said the year before that” and they would conduct interviews along the lines of “isn’t this all down to mismanagement and bad budgeting?” but the “crooked media” go private anyway, so why rock the cosy establishment boat?  Because it needs rocking, that’s why!

Then the “news” stories start about people, just about managing, who got themselves into an awful lot of debt over Christmas, despite being warned not to.

Does anyone have an appeal to raise money to help?

No, they have appeals to help the just about managing in Syria, Yemen, and other, similar countries, even though our tro0ops were being shot at while they were having their Christmas dinners.  Every time someone pulled a cracker someone shouted “grenade” and everyone hit the deck.  By such hypocrisy back home in dear old Blighty is Post-traumatic Stress Disorder born!

Then it’s all forgotten and the “crooked media” start moaning about the price of Easter Eggs this year, while also taking about obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Hypocricy wins by a home run in the bottom of the 9th inning, beating Common Sense to the World Series.

Anyway, time for us to go now, so say goodnight to all the nice people around the world.

O.K. goodnight folks.  See you next Tuesday and to our new President, sleep tight, don’t let the bedbugs , or the Democrats, bite.






Hello all you nice people around the world.  Apple and Ginger here. Our creators
have prepared for you 3 episodes all about our lovely little village of Upton Went.
Please remember to scroll down for the first one, December 13th. Thank you for being
with us and we hope you continue to do so next year.

December 27th 2016

Hi, I'm Apple...

...and I'm Ginger.

And we hope you had a happy and healthy Christmas.

We had a card from Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, who had gone to spend Christmas with his
Mum at a hotel.

His Mum was chatting to a man over Christmas dinner, who said he was enjoying the 
live music that was being supplied by a band called 'The Wizard Slade Boney M
Johnny Mathis & Bing Crosby Tribute Band, professionally known as 'Four Gigs & a

Catchy title!

He said to Whiskey Tango Foxtrot's Mum "I heard this song with my late wife being 
sung by the late Val Doonican at a theatre that's been demolished now, which used to
be on the route of the number 9 bus, when there was a number 9 bus, before our 
council flat had to be vacated because the council were redeveloping the area in 
order to build  a multi-storey carpark, which has since been turned into a supermarket,
but it's good to know that things haven't changed."

Isn't it!

We also had a card from Silly Sausage, who was spending Christmas with her Auntie

She said her Auntie Daft told her, by a strange coincidence, that a song she was
listening to on the radio reminded her of when she went to see Val Doonican perform
live on stage with her late mother.

So, Silly Sausage asked her Auntie Daft what her late mother was doing on stage with
Val Doonican.

And her Auntie Daft told her she wasn't on stage with Val Doonican, she was in the

So, Silly Sausage asked her Auntie Daft whether all the people in the audience at the
Val Doonican concert had passed away.

And her Auntie Daft told her she wasn't aware that anyone in the audience had passed
away, more than normal for a Val Doonican concert.

So, Silly Sausage mentioned that her Auntie Daft had said that her mother was
deceased at the Val Doonican concert.

And her Auntie Daft explained that her mother was alive and very much kicking when 
she went to the Val Doonican concert.

So, Silly Sausage asked her Auntie Daft whether her mother died as a result of going
to the Val Doonican concert.

And her Auntie Daft explained going to the Val Doonican concert did not kill her

So, Silly Sausage asked her Auntie Daft, if it wasn't because of the Val Doonican
concert, how did her mother come to cross the Stygian ferry.

And her Auntie Daft told her that her mother could never go on the Stygian ferry 
because she was seasick as a little girl on the way to Canvey Island, so she always
used to take the bus before they built the bridge.

So, Silly Sausage explained that the Stygian ferry is a polite way of asking how
she passed away.

And her Auntie Daft said she was knocked down by a number 9 bus.

So, Silly Sausage asked her Auntie Daft where her mother was knocked down by a 
number 9 bus.

And her Auntie Daft said she was trying to read the poster to see who was performing
at the theatre on the other side of the road the following week.

So, Silly Sausage said that was tragic.

And her Auntie Daft told her it was more than tragic, it was criminal, because that
was the first time a number 9 bus had run on time in twenty years!

It was a very large Christmas card!

Anyway, we hope you enjoyed your Christmas and our Nativity Play last week.

What have we got to look forward to next year?

Britain arguing with France and Germany over Europe, Democrats and Republicans
refusing to co-operate, chaos in the middle east and lots of industrial action just
when you want to go on holiday.

No change then.

Probably not, but you never know.  Something exciting might happen.

Anyway, have a Happy New Year and we'll see you in our lovely little village of 
Upton Went in 2017.

Unless the clocks start running backwards at midnight on New Year's Day, in which
case who knows?

Say goodnight to all the nice people around the world.

O.K. goodnight folks.  See you next Tuesday.

December 20th 2016

Hi, I'm Apple...

...and I'm Ginger.

Merry Christmas!

This is the time of year when we remember how Christ came into the world, our

This same world that is full of greed through strikes, self-interest through
laying workers off and using cheap foreign labour in sweatshops instead, terrorism
in the name of religion, murder in the name of faith and awful novelty Christmas
songs in aid of some dubious charitable cause.

And so, we present our fourth nativity play, this year set in Britannia Hospital,
where the doctors are on strike, terrorism is constant and greed and selfishness
are more important than looking after each other.

Portrait of a hospital, where money rules and forces life into second place, where
everyone thinks they're going somewhere, even though no-one's going anywhere.

However, on this particular night the staff of Britannia Hospital are about to be
visited by their future and go on a journey, which, unknown to them, is going to be
in the twilight zone.

Picture the scene, if you will.  Doctors on strike, in total disagreement with the
Health Minister, Jeremy Herod.  All administrative staff have come out on strike in
sympathy.  Non-essential operations have been cancelled for months.  Essential
operations are now being cancelled as well.  Emergency cover is thin, if not
non-existent.  Ambulances are turned away by angry pickets.

An ambulance arrives at the gates.  Striking doctors shout "scab" at the driver
and buffet the ambulance.  Paramedics tell them this is an emergency.

"What's the diagnosis?"

"Heart attack."

"What's the prognosis?"

"Be gone in ten minutes."

"No point in letting you in then."

"He can't die out here."

"Why not?  What difference would it make to him?"

"He can't stay out here.  He'll start to fizz before long."

"Alright, you'd better go in."

And the ambulance goes in, but the patient goes out, due to greed, neglect,
selfishness and stupidity.

Then a couple appear at the gates.

"My wife's gone into labour."

"So have we.  The Tories are no use to us."

"No, her waters have broken."

"Don't be disgusting.  I haven't had my tea yet."

"She's with child."

"Well, I didn't think all that was wind."

"Can you help?"

"Why, are you the dad?"

"Not really."

"Oh yes!"

"It was an immaculate conception."

"What, with a turkey baster?"

"No, it was the angel of the Lord."

"I don't know that pub.  The beer any good?"

"My wife is going to bring the messiah into the world.  All men will be blessed."

"All I want to be blessed with is a 5% pay rise and no 7 day contracts."

"Is there room?"

"Well, we're full up, what with all these bombings and terrorist attacks, but you
can't drop it out here, that would put me right off my tea."

Then 3 ambassadors arrived at the gates and said "we are here to worship the

"Stone me!"

And the 3 ambassadors went in as well, with gifts of gold, frankincense and an

And so Britannia Hospital was visited that night by the messiah.  Jeremy Herod 
eventually sorted the unions out, but the messiah was nailed to a tree one Good
Friday 33 years later.  However, he rose again on Bank Holiday Monday and left them
all to it.  He promised to return again, but that's another story.

Have a happy, healthy and safe Christmas, we'll see you next time.

O.K.goodnight folks.  See you next Tuesday.

December 13th 2016

Hi, I'm Apple...

...and I'm Ginger.

And this is the 4th and final dramatic episode of 'A Ghost Story Before Christmas.'

Our unpopular schools inspector has finally asked the Governor of the island he 
offended what goes on at the summit of the hill opposite his bedroom window.

About 2 hours before dark the Governor called.



The Governor apologised that the invitation's only for the inspector of schools, not
his wife.

"I'm used to sexism where secret societies are concerned."

"What makes you think we're a secret society?  We're very open."

"Well, if it is, don't bother with him.  He's got blackballed by several golf clubs. 
Even the Ovaltinies wouldn't have him when he was a boy."

"Well he's a man now and well able to cope with what he finds."

And off they went.

When they got to the summit theirs was the only vehicle.  There was nothing there, 
only a few Roman ruins.

"Charming spot, isn't it?"

"Charming and cold."

"It'll get hotter late, I promise you."

Eventually it got dark.   Then one-by-one, cars started appearing.  No-one got out,
but the occupants were of all ages.  He recognised some of the pupils and some of
the teachers.

"Time I broke the sinister silence, I think."

"Please do."

"Not feeling afraid, are you?"

"No, I am not!"

"Good, because it's time I revealed all and yes, I am being machiavellian."

"What the hell is this place?"

"See those ruins over there?"

Yes. So?"

"That is the ancient temple of the Brotherhood of Demnos."


"It's an ancient Roman cult, brought here when they conquered Britain and still very
much alive, I assure you."

At that point everyone got out of their cars and stood around them both in a tight
circle, all male.

"You see, there's no escape.  Every night the male inhabitants of the island come
here to pray to our goddess in these remnants of her temple.  Say hello to the
Brotherhood of Demnos."

"Hello.  All this isn't going to work, you know.  You can't spook me into
retracting my comments about the island with all this 'Wicker Man' bullshit!"

"Foul language in the temple of our blessed goddess.  Listen, this is not a horror
film, you're not Edward Woodward and this is all real.  Very, very real!"

"What d'you mean?"

"Our children may not have passed your tests or exams, but they've all passed ours.
With honours."

"What sort of exams?"

"Ancient Latin, Roman Cults, how to gut a human body after it's been sacrificed and
how to carry out those sacrifices.  They're also trained in unarmed combat, so don't
even think of thinking to run for it."

"You're mad!"

"I assure you the madness is yours.  Every night we pray for a tourist to voluntarily
come here.  Someone always does.  Provided for us by our beloved goddess to sacrifice
in her honour.  You voluntarily came here.  You are tonight's special guest.  We 
salute you, who now dies."

He was placed on a stone slab and on the nod of the Governor, one of the circle 
stepped forward with a knife!"

The knife was raised and neither he, nor his wife, were seen again, until their
bodies were found off the coast.  By the wounds it was believed they had been
attacked by sharks.

Days later Saxon House was ready for its' next visitor.  Perhaps it might be you!"

And that is the end of our 'Ghost Story Before Christmas.'  Next week it'll be time
for our Christmas special.

Join us.  Same time.  Same place.  Be there.

Say goodnight to all the nice people around the world, but only the nice ones, mind

O.K.goodnight folks.  See you next Tuesday.





Following last week’s double bill, here is this year’s Christmas special and our Nativity play.  Have a healthy and safe Christmas, wherever you are in the world and we’ll be back to normal on Tuesday January 5th 2016.  Be there.  Please don’t forget, scroll down for the first episode.

Hi, I’m Apple…

…and I’m Ginger.

And we hope you had a wonderful Christmas, that you avoided all the ‘Coronation Emmerenders’ rubbish and all the’Casualty Holbyoaks’ rubbish, that you weren’t bored with the ‘Dr. Who’ Christmas special, that you avoided all the boring parties, that you managed to get to all he exciting parties, that you stood to attention during the National Anthem when the Queen made her speech now that she is the longest serving monarch in the history of the world ever, that you avoided paying anything on credit because with interest rates going up you will be bankruptured in the new year, that your Christmas tree lights haven’t conked out yet and that they last until twelfth night and that you can see straight now you’ve sobered up slightly in an attempt to get back to normal while eating turkey sandwiches at every opportunity.

Of course, if you haven’t got a mortgage and have savings you’re laughing, aren’t you?

And if you love turkey sandwiches, you’re laughing and choking at the same time, aren’t you?

And if you managed to get off with someone even remotely attractive at even a half-decent party and you can still remember it without cringing, you’re laughing and counting the days to your next period, aren’t you?

And if you can’t count the days to your next period without panicking then you’re going to be growing more than the deficit and the national debt put together and you’re going to have to decide what you’re going to do about your gross domestic product, aren’t you?

We’ve just been chatting to Walter Gate.  He has written a book called ’50 Things That Happened At Area 51 But Officially Didn’t According To the Government If You Know What I Mean, Nudge Nudge, Wink Wink, Say No Mower!”

Catchy title.

And Walter Gate thought he might join the Writers Association of Northern Knowalls.

However, Walter Gate soon found WANK was not as welcoming as he had been led to believe before they took his money.

They said they no longer recognised titles of new members.  Walter Gate actually has a doctorate and he’s going to publish his expose as Dr. Walter Gate.  Not recognising a title he studied for stank of a conspiracy.

But wait, there was more.

Instead of terms and conditions he got a lot of rules and regulations and Walter Gate being Walter Gate he read every word and quite right too.

The WANKers rule book said “all members must behave in a polite and comradely manner.”

He didn’t object to being polite, I mean, why should he?

But he saw red when he saw the word “comradely.”

Walter Gate is apolitical and he objected to such a word that very few people still feel comfortable with using today, apart from certain leftwing supporters of the Labour party and union officials.

Given the comparison of not recognising titles but behaving “comradely” he decided that the WANKers were not his kind of people.

Walter Gate will never be a WANKer.  He got his money bank and told the chief WANKer “the fact that you refuse to recognise titles for reasons of gender has questionable value, but refusing to recognise earned titles smacks of outdated rhetoric and it is very noticeable that comrades are welcome, but academics are not.”

I don’t think we’d be comfortable with the word “comradely” being bandied around like a condom at a maternity ward.  In other words, it’s outdated, it’s too late and it’s irrelevant.

Walter Gate is having his epic published, through Sock It To ‘Em Publishers and we’re sure it’ll be a best seller, in our lovely little village of Upton Went.

As we come to the end of twenty ought fifteen, we look back at a year which saw a general election in Britain where the Liberals were kicked out of the coalition, Labour lost again and went even further to the left, the third largest party was Scottish and the Conservative party then completely failed to get on top of illegal immigration.

Someone who does want to get on top of illegal immigration is Donald Trump, who entered the Presidential race for the Republicans, while Hillary Clinton entered the race for the Democrats.  What a choice, Clinton 2, Bush 3 or Trump 1.  The grand old party have got more Bushes than a garden centre and the Democrats have got more Clintons that the Gunfight at the OK Corral.  No wonder Donald Trump went so far ahead.

So, roll on twenty ought sixteen and the start of the primaries and caucuses, ‘The Price Is Right’ for politicians, ‘The $64,000 Question’ for corrupt politicians, ‘the Mating Game’ for unfaithful politicians and ‘Hollywood Squares’ for desperate politicians looking for celebrity endorsements.

So, have a happy new year and we’ll see you all next week.  Say goodnight to all the nice people around the world.

O.K.  Happy new year folks.  See you next Tuesday.




Hi,  I’m Apple…

…and I’m Ginger.

And we’ve just got back from this year’s nativity play.

Last year the Reverend Archie Farcnad asked Botox Betty to organise a new nativity play.

Unfortunately she misheard and organised a nude nativity play so we all had a happy nude year.

This year she organised a new nativity play, where everyone managed to keep their clothes on, except the baby Jesus because he didn’t pop out with any on, so it couldn’t be helped.

And this is how it went.


Apart from that, this is how it went.

In the year twenty ought fifteen a decree went out that everyone had to be taxed, even more than usual.

And Mary and Joseph were visited by an angel from Her Majesty’s Customs who said “you are going to have a messiah.”

And Joseph said “I thought she was having a baby.”

And the angel said “what’s it got to do with you?  This is an emaculate  concept.

And Mary said “you mean it’s an immaculate conception.”

And the angel said “well, that is an emaculate concept.”

And Joseph said “what does that mean?”

And Mary said “it means it’s got nothing to do with you, so belt up.”

Meanwhile, at Number 10 Downing Street, Herod Cameron was saying “there are swarms of messiahs around.  What are we going to do?”

And Mrs. Herod said “they’re asylum seekers, not messiahs.”

And Herod Cameron got Enochus Powellus to arrange to kill every asylum seeker, or messiah, or whatever, under the age of 2.

And Enochus Powellus said “oh goodie, there are finally going to be rivers of blood, I knew I was right all along.”

Meanwhile, Mary and Joseph were making their way across the English Channel because they didn’t want the messiah to be French and so they would have access to the National Health Service.

And Mary and Joseph managed to find a friendly lorry driver who gave them a lift as far as Kent.

And once they were in Kent, Mary and Joseph went looking for a place to stay.

And they were told there was no room because there were so many asylum seekers trying to get into the country.

And Joseph said “we’ve got to stay somewhere because my wife is about to have a baby.”

And the government official said “tell you what, gov, you can stay at RAF Manston.”

And so Mary and Joseph made their way to RAF Manston.

And Joseph said to the soldier on the gate “can we stay here, my wife is about to have a baby?”

And the soldier on the gate said “you can come in, but there’s no room because so many immigrants want to get into the country.”

And the angel provided for them a friendly lorry driver, who said “you can stay in the back of my lorry if you like.”

And so it came to pass that the messiah was born in the back of a lorry from Tesco.

Meanwhile, there were 3 immigration officers in a field.

And the 3 immigration officers saw a star and said “behold, we must go and worship the messiah, for this is the true messiah, all the others are naughty boys.”

And when the 3 immigration officers were shown the way to Kent they went straight to RAF Manston and said “where is the messiah, that we may worship him?”

And behold, they were shown to the back of a Tesco lorry and brought gifts of housing benefit, child benefit and free hotel accommodation at British taxpayers’ expense.

Meanwhile, Herod Cameron developed nasty, pustulent boils all over his body and was forced to resign before the next general election and was replaced by Boris the Great, whereas Enochus Powellus was banished to outer darkness, well, Northern Ireland, where he became an independent candidate at the next general election.

The messiah grew up to look like Graham Chapman and was nailed to a tree by the Romans 33 years later for saying “wouldn’t it be great if we could all live in peace?”  His name and his title became swear words used by ignorant plebs, but he had the last laugh because he rose again 3 days later and left them to get on with it for over 2,000 years, until one day, like the Terminator, he’ll be back!

And that was this year’s nativity play.  Have a brilliant Christmas and a happy, healthy and peaceful new year.  Say Merry Christmas to all the nice people around the world.

O.K. Merry Christmas f0lks.  See you next Tuesday.